Enhancing teachers’ professionalism in Kosovo. The course syllabus policy review from faculty and students’ perspectives

Titolo Rivista CADMO
Autori/Curatori Valeria Damiani, Fjolla Kaçaniku, Blerim Saqipi, Gabriella Agrusti
Anno di pubblicazione 2024 Fascicolo 2023/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 20 P. 21-40 Dimensione file 223 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2023-002003
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The QATEK project is aimed at developing a quality oriented system of initial teacher education to increase teachers’ professionalism in Kosovo. This study aims to present and delve into one of the main outputs of the project, namely the course syllabus review process, carried out at partner universities in Kosovo based on the policy document developed in the project. Three focus groups were carried out with faculty members and university students in October 2023. The findings of the study illuminate the transformative impact of elevating professionalism through the course syllabus revision process within teacher education. The study underscores the importance of adopting a lifelong learning perspective for teachers’ professional development, positioning the syllabus revision process as a continuous and adaptive journey.

Keywords:Initial teacher education, Kosovo, Syllabus review, quality assurance, theory and practice.

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Valeria Damiani, Fjolla Kaçaniku, Blerim Saqipi, Gabriella Agrusti, Enhancing teachers’ professionalism in Kosovo. The course syllabus policy review from faculty and students’ perspectives in "CADMO" 2/2023, pp 21-40, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2023-002003