L'individualizzazione della morte in Norbert Elias

Autori/Curatori Lorenza Gattamorta
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2006/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. 26-37 Dimensione file 61 KB
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The critical analysis of Norbert Elias’ theory on death in modern societies is developed on two levels by Lorenza Gattamorta. In the first instance, Gattamorta places Elias’ essay within its historical and cultural context: she sheds light on the influences that other studies on death have had on it (with particular reference to Ariès’ work) and she proposes a comparison with other studies on death that appeared some years before Elias’ book even though not quoted in it (with particular reference to Gorer, Foucault and Parsons). In the second instance, she identifies the peculiar role that The Loneliness of the Dying plays in Elias’ more general theory of civilization and individualization.;

Lorenza Gattamorta, L'individualizzazione della morte in Norbert Elias in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3/2006, pp 26-37, DOI: