Identità digitali

Autori/Curatori Leonardo Montecchi
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/Suppl. 1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 5 P. 317-321 Dimensione file 34 KB
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FrancoAngeli è membro della Publishers International Linking Association, Inc (PILA)associazione indipendente e non profit per facilitare (attraverso i servizi tecnologici implementati da l’accesso degli studiosi ai contenuti digitali nelle pubblicazioni professionali e scientifiche

The research carried out by Boys, Marsden e Strang shows that substance consumption serves different functions that is, for instance, relax or support to cope with the heptic rhythms of daily life. In his comment on this research, Montecchi argues that the society of multiple drugs is also the society of multiple identities. This society, founded on a digital logic more than on an analogical one, is characterized by a dissociative move (and not an associational one). In this scenario, drug consumption might be considered as an attempt to enlarge the self-consciousness in order to give a new meaning to the experiences of the subjects.;

Leonardo Montecchi, Identità digitali in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" Suppl. 1/2007, pp 317-321, DOI: