La cultura della città nel XXI secolo

Autori/Curatori Francesco Gurrieri
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/82
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 9 P. 83-91 Dimensione file 53 KB
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This paper presents city, architecture and globalization as more and more connected. In particular, the existence of new anthropological places is stressed. For example, shopping malls and Protected Settlement Systems, that are seen as new urban fortresses. Moreover, many people are moving to smaller cities, considering them a Territorial Antibody. The contemporary city is becoming spectacular; urban tribes (tourists of art cities, and many others) seem basic and ephemeral at the same time, and become the players of urban events. So, the city is doing its best to keep its dominion, or at least to survive. This paper focuses also on the réapparition des bidonvilles. In the past, urban systems were indicators of civilization. Now, they often cannot face migration, tourism, social failure, and they cannot plan many market investments. In this context, a new architectural eclecticism is advancing, and it could lead to a lack of ideal-typical contemporary city forms.;

Francesco Gurrieri, La cultura della città nel XXI secolo in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 82/2007, pp 83-91, DOI: