L’esperienza della disabilità: selezione psicologica e promozione del benessere

Autori/Curatori Marta Bassi, Antonella Delle Fave
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 33-48 Dimensione file 192 KB
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At the international level, a new concept of disability is spreading, which considers disability as a way of functioning consisting of biological, psychological and social components. From this perspective and in view of well-being promotion, this study analyzed the quality of experience and goal setting of 50 people with early (N = 25) and acquired (N = 25) motor disabilities, ranging in age between 30 and 40. Particular attention was paid to a specific well-being condition, optimal experience, a positive and complex state associated with activities that are preferentially replicated in time through the process of psychological selection, thus fostering the development of related skills. Through Flow Questionnaire and Life Theme Questionnaire, investigation focused on the activities participants associated with optimal experience and with its antithetic state of apathy or anti-flow, on achievements perceived in present life, and future goals. Results showed that participants’ psychological selection is centered upon some specific areas: work, leisure time, social and family relations, health, and personal life. Participants reported a good level of psychological functioning. They adequately integrated their physical condition in their life and retrieved opportunities for optimal experiences in their daily context. Among the factors hampering personal fulfillment participants reported difficulties in social integration. This aspect requires attentive consideration in order to promote the well-being of people with disabilities.;

Marta Bassi, Antonella Delle Fave, L’esperienza della disabilità: selezione psicologica e promozione del benessere in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2007, pp 33-48, DOI: