Potere in positivo. Il Self-Empowerment e il benessere lavorativo

Autori/Curatori Stefano Gheno
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 49-66 Dimensione file 230 KB
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This article presents the relation between psychological empowerment, according to the model of Bruscaglioni and Gheno (2000), and the well-being of working people. The Self-Empowerment construct is widely used in the organizational context to prepare people to win the new market challenge, to assume new and bigger responsibilities, and to adapt successfully to hard and demanding context. In the professional practice the psychological empowerment is in relation to learning and development of employees, and the model of Self-Empowerment has been used in a lot of training interventions. Some training experiences show a positive relation between the Self-Empowerment development and the workers’ well-being. This relation emerges from some empirical researches aimed at assessing Self-Empowerment in different samples of workers.;

Stefano Gheno, Potere in positivo. Il Self-Empowerment e il benessere lavorativo in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 1/2007, pp 49-66, DOI: