Le Jazz comme anthropologie: créativité et reliance, à l’interface du monde jazz et du monde de l’école

Titolo Rivista CADMO
Autori/Curatori Charles Calamel
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 37-52 Dimensione file 153 KB
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Jazz described as an anthropology. Creativity and reliance, between teaching situations and jazz environment ABSTRACT: My aim in this paper is to develop a theoretical proposition in the field of school education. This model rests on the Diapason program, which is an application of jazz to pedagogical experimentation. Such an approach emphasizes the notions of creativity and reliance, theorized by Bolle de Bal. I propose drawing one’s inspiration from an artistic context while elaborating pedagogical itineraries. Articulating Jazz and Schools may modify the act of learning and may facilitate knowledge acquisition (considering knowledge itself, technical skills and inter-personal skills). This acquisition concerns students and other people involved in such a pedagogical context. I will present a brief analysis of Jazz thought as an educational environment, and pedagogical aspects that may be useful in schools. I will then give some key facts on the methodology and data of this research, and a summary of the way Diapason is organized. From a definition of reliance, I will show that reliance and creativity play a part in Diapason and appear to be the main reasons for the educational effects of the program. Keywords Jazz environment, reliance, anthropology, teaching strategies, learning strategies.;

Charles Calamel, Le Jazz comme anthropologie: créativité et reliance, à l’interface du monde jazz et du monde de l’école in "CADMO" 1/2008, pp 37-52, DOI: