Immagini interpretative di Barcellona e della Catalunya

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Anna Moro
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/46
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. 190-199 Dimensione file 2434 KB
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Interpretative images of Barcelona and Catalonia - Looking at the transformations that have taken place in the City of Barcelona since the 1980s, this paper focuses on the pictures that have been given of them, running through images attributable to different ideas of the development of the city on an urban and regional scale. Five images are considered: the city as a public space, an idea that accompanied urban transformations in the 1980s; the competitive city an excluding city, which used methods of intervention in the city consisting of major redevelopment projects and the relaunch of its image from the 1990s onwards; the dispersion the non city as an image which denounces a phenomenon that pervades the whole urban region; the city of cities (ciutat de ciutats), an image which accompanies recent policies of the Generalitat de Catalunya; finally, the demand for planning as an image under construction which interrogates itself on how to intervene in the geographical areas of the dispersion.;

Anna Moro, Immagini interpretative di Barcellona e della Catalunya in "TERRITORIO" 46/2008, pp 190-199, DOI: