Vicini d’Europa. L’attivazione degli abitanti per il benessere urbano

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Paola Bellaviti, Diego Bombardieri, Roberto Cagnoli, Luca Francesco Garibaldo
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/47
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 19-33 Dimensione file 2166 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2008-047004
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European Neighbours. The involvement of inhabitants for urban well-being - The cities involved in the Interreg IIIC, European Neighbours programme which lasted 30 months from June 2005 to December 2007 were Belfast, Brussels, Milan and Lyon. Each city defined its own general theme, the value that the involvement of inhabitants can have for improving the quality of life in their own urban context, by organising opportunities for inhabitants to meet and work on concrete issues and to explore ‘space’ and ways for citizens to become actively involved in policies affecting urban quality and well-being. Participation in the programme of international exchange constituted an important opportunity for learning and it was a stimulus at the same time for the local promotion of new actions to improve the liveability of neighbourhoods. The paper reconstructs the objectives, the course and the outcomes of the programme and more specifically the ‘guide’ to the redevelopment of public space a collection of ideas for action and references to significant case histories and a proposal for the construction of an ‘Urban Well-being Network’.;

Paola Bellaviti, Diego Bombardieri, Roberto Cagnoli, Luca Francesco Garibaldo, Vicini d’Europa. L’attivazione degli abitanti per il benessere urbano in "TERRITORIO" 47/2008, pp 19-33, DOI: 10.3280/TR2008-047004