Verso un pensiero degli arcana. Suggestioni in Carl Schmitt

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Francesco Chiodelli
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/47
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 12 P. 104-115 Dimensione file 136 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2008-047012
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Towards a thought of the arcana. Suggestions in Carl Schmitt - Carl Schmitt, a controversial twentieth century jurist and political philosopher never addressed the subject of urban planning. Nevertheless, many of his intuitions and theoretical suggestions, buried before their time together with the ashes of the Modern, are still able to stimulate thought which enquires into the intimate nature of space and those disciplines which deal with it. More specifically, this paper analyses three key concepts of Schmitt’s theory (the nomos of the earth, the earth-sea dichotomy and the political friend-enemy categories) that are particularly interesting because they provide fertile suggestions on the ‘arcanic’ nature of space, useful suggestions for a more open-minded rereading of many subjects with which planners deal everyday. At the end of the essay, this possibility is examined in relation to the subject of the ‘space of globalisation’.;

Francesco Chiodelli, Verso un pensiero degli arcana. Suggestioni in Carl Schmitt in "TERRITORIO" 47/2008, pp 104-115, DOI: 10.3280/TR2008-047012