Zac Bercy Front du Parc: un lungo ed efficace processo di riqualificazione urbana

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Viviana di Martino
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/47
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 9 P. 130-138 Dimensione file 930 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2008-047015
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Zac Bercy Front du Parc: a long and effective process of urban redevelopment - An important urban transformation was achieved in Paris with the redevelopment of the Bercy quarter. It was characterised by farsightedness and an ability to monitor and manage on the part of the public sector operators who guided the entire operation. While on the one hand the Bercy case presents a series of ‘extraordinary’ elements deriving from the particular history of the site, the continuity with which the municipal administration moved forward with its strategic decisions, its capacity to frame those strategies in a broader and more complex context and the ways in which the entire process was implemented certainly constitute important factors on which to reflect in the framework of a more general discussion on the effectiveness and potentials of large urban projects. This paper looks at the main stages of the transformation starting with the framing of the operation within the provisions of the main urban planning instruments and it seeks to highlight the most significant aspects of the intervention with a particular focus on the outcomes of the project implemented.;

Viviana di Martino, Zac Bercy Front du Parc: un lungo ed efficace processo di riqualificazione urbana in "TERRITORIO" 47/2008, pp 130-138, DOI: 10.3280/TR2008-047015