I disturbi dell'adolescenza in una prospettiva sistemica

Autori/Curatori Marco Bernardini, Luigi Onnis, Carla Granese, Antonella Leonelli, Dacia Zammataro
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 51-66 Dimensione file 428 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2008-002004
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Adolescence deseases in a sistemic perspective - In this article the authors show the systemic approach to the adolescence disorders. In particular they put on evidence the family relational dynamics and the identity process of the adolescence inside the family life cycle. We can see the emergency of the symptoms in adolescence as a stop in the family life cycle. The authors recognize in this process not only the dimension of the cycle phase but also the connections with the family history and the social culture. Key Words: Adolescence, Systemic Approach, Identification Process, Family Life Cycle.;

Marco Bernardini, Luigi Onnis, Carla Granese, Antonella Leonelli, Dacia Zammataro, I disturbi dell'adolescenza in una prospettiva sistemica in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 2/2008, pp 51-66, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2008-002004