Gli effetti della liberalizzazione del trasporto pubblico locale sulle relazioni industriali: Regno Unito e Italia a confronto

Autori/Curatori Hamish Mathieson, Roberto Pedersini
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/122
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 28 P. 337-364 Dimensione file 196 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2009-122005
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Gli effetti della liberalizzazione del trasporto pubblico locale sulle relazioni industriali: Regno Unito e Italia a confronto - This article examines the extent to which a number of hypothesised consequences for industrial relations in the context of liberalisation have been realised, such as a strengthening of managerial prerogatives and unilateral actions, the emergence of specific competitive pressures on labour costs, work flexibility and worker protections, the fragmentation of collective bargaining with an emphasis on company-level regulation. The sector selected is local public transport and in particular the bus industry. In the article the ownership structure of the bus industry, its regulatory and labour relations features are discussed in the context of governmentinitiated reforms in the UK and Italy. Evidence from empirical research conducted in both countries will then be presented and discussed in the conclusions.

Key words: Liberalisation, Public services, Local public transport, Industrial relations, United Kingdom, Italy.

Parole chiave: Liberalizzazione, Servizi pubblici, Trasporto pubblico locale, Relazioni industriali, Regno Unito, Italia.;

Hamish Mathieson, Roberto Pedersini, Gli effetti della liberalizzazione del trasporto pubblico locale sulle relazioni industriali: Regno Unito e Italia a confronto in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 122/2009, pp 337-364, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2009-122005