La costruzione della carta del paesaggio nel retroterra ambientale di Expo 2015: la variante generale del piano delle Groane

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Pier Luigi Paolillo, Alberto Benedetti, Luca Terlizzi
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/50
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 15 P. 98-112 Dimensione file 2254 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2009-050012
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The construction of the map of the landscape in the environmental hinterland of Expo 2015: new general plan of the Groane - The Groane: the only narrow passage that is free between Milan, Varese and Como, one of the most congested places in the country and nevertheless one of those that is most supported with Gdp and the productivity of all Lombardy, its commuters and Vat numbers. It is a sort of 15 km tunnel buffeted between the exceptional processes of urbanisation which have inevitably (and irreparably) impaired its valuable land resources, except of course for the protected area of the Groane Park, which has recently adopted our new general plan for the provincial ‘General Co-ordination Plan’. Its contiguity with the cumbersome attraction of the Expo 2015 - which could have generated dangerous settlement repercussions even for the park - has not, however, caused a murmur to be raised, either because of the economic crisis or, more probably, because the environmental importance of the Groane Park is considered today as value added to be preserved in all ways. In fact there has been absolutely no assault on the land of the park for residential purposes at all. On the contrary, 60% of the areas subject to the new plan increase the perimeter of protection (11% more than at present) on the basis of an initial landscape map which is presented in the article with the construction procedures and the relative methodology.;

Pier Luigi Paolillo, Alberto Benedetti, Luca Terlizzi, La costruzione della carta del paesaggio nel retroterra ambientale di Expo 2015: la variante generale del piano delle Groane in "TERRITORIO" 50/2009, pp 98-112, DOI: 10.3280/TR2009-050012