Diritto del lavoro e crisi economica: lezioni della storia europea

Autori/Curatori Sir Bob A. Hepple
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/123
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 10 P. 391-400 Dimensione file 351 KB
DOI 10.3280/GDL2009-123002
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Diritto del lavoro e crisi economica: lezioni della storia europea - In this lecture, given at the University of Bari on the occasion of the ceremony for the conferral of ad honoris causa degree in law, Bob Hepple suggests lessons that we can draw from the history of labour law in Europe. The most serious economic crisis in the last 70 years is at the center of his analysis. In the author’s view, the deep recession, following the banking crisis, presents us with a number of major problems, threatening for the survival of labour law and of social protection developed in Europe since 1945. The author touches upon four of these problems: the growth of mass unemployment; the accelerated expansion of informal, deregulated forms of work outside the scope of labour law and social security; increasing inequality in the labour market; the dangers of nationalism and protectionism.;

Keywords:Labour law; Economic crisis; Globalization; Unemployment; Informal and deregulated forms of work; Inequality in the labour market; Nationalism and protectionism.

  • Le istituzioni del lavoro nell'Europa della crisi Tiziano Treu, in GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI 140/2013 pp.597
    DOI: 10.3280/GDL2013-140006

Sir Bob A. Hepple, Diritto del lavoro e crisi economica: lezioni della storia europea in "GIORNALE DI DIRITTO DEL LAVORO E DI RELAZIONI INDUSTRIALI " 123/2009, pp 391-400, DOI: 10.3280/GDL2009-123002