Young people, alcohol and accidents: a prevention proposal

Autori/Curatori Paola Carbone, Elisa Casini, Anna Ferrari
Anno di pubblicazione 2010 Fascicolo 2010/suppl. En. 3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 17 P. 211-227 Dimensione file 1031 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2010-SU3014-ing
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The study of the relationship between car accidents by young people and alcohol use is very interesting. The national statistics highlight that if numbers are small - about 3% of total - car accidents related to alcohol or other psychoactive substances abuse have the most serious consequences, especially for the youngest people (Higson e Winter, 2003; Sweedler, Biecheler e Laurel, 2004; ISTAT, 2008). From reading statistics two observations appear: the phenomenon is probably underestimated and there are not enough studies about psychological causes inducing young people to driving after drinking. It is to improve the knowledge about this phenomenon, both from the epidemiologic and psychological view, that the "Sportello per i Giovani" in the P.S. of Hospital S. Eugenio in Roma has been created. The Sportello in P.S. is a prevention model - Active Prevention (Carbone, 2003; 2009) - which, on the one hand, wants to know how many youngsters go to P.S. because of accident traumas and with which psychological characteristics, on the other hand, wants to offer a prevention space for each type.

Keywords:Alcohol, young people, traffic accidents, psychological motivations, prevention, youth counselling

Paola Carbone, Elisa Casini, Anna Ferrari, Young people, alcohol and accidents: a prevention proposal in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" suppl. En. 3/2010, pp 211-227, DOI: 10.3280/SES2010-SU3014-ing