When the patient requests the end of his/her life

Autori/Curatori Mario Riccio
Anno di pubblicazione 2011 Fascicolo 2011/1En
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 20 P. 137-156 Dimensione file 302 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2011-001010 EN
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Mario Riccio is the physician who assisted Piergiorgio Welby in the final phase of his life. In this article, Ricci makes an analysis of the Italian most important cases on end of life decisions, that is the Welby case and the Englaro case. Morevoer, the author describes the current Italian situation about end of life under ethical, mental and legal frames. Finally, he provides a short comparison with other countries.

Keywords:Casi Welby ed Englaro, fine vita, eutanasia, rifiuto/interruzione delle cure, futilità in medicina

Mario Riccio, When the patient requests the end of his/her life in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 1En/2011, pp 137-156, DOI: 10.3280/SES2011-001010 EN