Per rotte poco battute. 40 anni di avventure educative in giro per il mondo

Titolo Rivista TERRITORIO
Autori/Curatori Paolo Ceccarelli
Anno di pubblicazione 2012 Fascicolo 2012/63
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 9 P. 7-15 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2012-063001
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The author looks back over the stages and subjects of long years of teaching and organisation in numerous international workshops on planning, bringing young people to address emerging problems not covered by the rulebook and encouraging them to get off the beaten track. It is a commitment conducted in the conviction that there is no sense in remaining closed within the ivory tower and that the search for new answers to old and new problems does not produce any serious results if it is conducted by introspective academics or fashionable professionals. We need to know ourselves better and influence each other reciprocally, with modesty and perseverance, working together on population groups who have specific problems to solve.;

Keywords:Teaching; planning; workshop

Paolo Ceccarelli, Per rotte poco battute. 40 anni di avventure educative in giro per il mondo in "TERRITORIO" 63/2012, pp 7-15, DOI: 10.3280/TR2012-063001