Border policies: what are the issues for metropolitan governance?

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Gabriele Pasqui
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/67
Language Italian Pages 5 P. 53-57 File size 959 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2013-067009
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The issue of borders and the geographical areas located between the city of Milan and neighbouring towns and villages plays a crucial role in giving tangible shape to an effective process for the construction of a new institution for metropolitan governance. This essay addresses the question from the viewpoint, amongst other things, of the controversial institutional process in progress, with proposed legislation for the creation of metropolitan cities. The hypothesis is that, by assuming the plural nature of borders (considered as thresholds, buffers and devices), it is possible to better understand their variety and interpret their role more effectively in the process of change that is in progress in the Milan urban region. To conclude, the essay identifies a necessary condition for the definition of a credible perspective of metropolitan governance in the construction of a credible ‘policy for border areas’.

Keywords: Metropolitan governance; devices; border policies

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Gabriele Pasqui, Politiche dei confini: quali temi per il governo metropolitano? in "TERRITORIO" 67/2013, pp 53-57, DOI: 10.3280/TR2013-067009