Rearranging the economic order. Social democracy, European integration and the economic crisis during the 1970s

Autori/Curatori Kristian Steinnes
Anno di pubblicazione 2019 Fascicolo 2019/44
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 25 P. 38-62 Dimensione file 213 KB
DOI 10.3280/XXI2019-044003
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The article focuses on the role and functions of transnational social democratic networks in the Socialist International and the European Community during the 1970s. It ventures into deliberations inside these networks and examines how socialist leaders perceived and dealt with the economic and monetary crisis and also its implications for European integration. It establishes that socialist networks regarded economic and monetary issues instrumental to their societal conceptions in which they actively engaged throughout the decade. It also demonstrates that European socialists regarded European integration conductive to their policy objectives, and deemed their ideas for a rearranged economic system conductive to European integration.

Keywords:Transnational social democracy, socialism, European integration, economic and monetary crisis, 1970s.

Kristian Steinnes, Rearranging the economic order. Social democracy, European integration and the economic crisis during the 1970s in "VENTUNESIMO SECOLO" 44/2019, pp 38-62, DOI: 10.3280/XXI2019-044003