Criminogenesis, family victimisation and organised crime in gambling disorder

Author/s Mauro Croce, Maurizio Fiasco, Sara Sbaragli
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 73-90 File size 257 KB
DOI 10.3280/SISS2022-001007
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The intervention is aimed at capturing in particular the development of the crimogenic and victimological relationships that gambling produces, in order to develop a significant database on the relationship between "game", "players" and "reference environment". Through a second-level analysis of the reference scien-tific literature, the article constitutes an examination of the criminological and victimological components: the first, relating to crimes committed by playing in con-texts or in ways deemed by the legal system of reference to be illegal; another, more important dimension, concerns gambling as a factor of criminogenesis, for the gamblers is to commit crimes to finance their bets (theft, robbery, money laun-dering, prostitution) or to favor the result (scams); and again, problematic gambling behaviors as a cause of victimization processes involving specifically the children of gamblers (abuse, child abandonment); finally, gambling as extrication, aiding and abetting, activities for commercial purposes (lawful and not) organised crime.

Keywords: gambling disorder; criminogenesis; family victimization; organised crime.

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Mauro Croce, Maurizio Fiasco, Sara Sbaragli, Criminogenesi, vittimizzazione familiare e criminalità organizzata nel gioco d’azzardo in "SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI" 1/2022, pp 73-90, DOI: 10.3280/SISS2022-001007