Consip: The value of an experience.

Danilo Broggi

Consip: The value of an experience.

Theory and practice between e-Procurement and e- Government

An important role in modernisation of the Public Administration in Italy is played by Consip, which represents – through the development of synergies between e-Procurement and e-Government – one of the strategic levers to support the evolution currently under way. This volume aims to provide both a theoretical and practical critical analysis of what has been done so far and to examine routes that are as yet unexplored and which may be followed in the future.

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9788856818253

Edizione:1a edizione 2009

Publisher code: 1490.14

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The process of modernisation in the Public Administration in Italy requires the increasing contribution and involvement of the main institutional stakeholders concerned in supporting a historic moment of profound change. An important role in this scenario is played by Consip, which represents - through the development of synergies between e-Procurement and e-Government - one of the strategic levers to support the evolution currently under way.
This volume aims to provide both a theoretical and practical critical analysis of what has been done so far and to examine, through various new interpretations, routes that are as yet unexplored and which may be followed in the future.

Danilo Broggi is the Chief Executive Officer of Consip S.p.A.
Luigi Fiorentino is the Secretary of the Italian Antitrust Authority. He works as a lecturer and researcher in a number of Italian universities. He is also the coordinator of the observatory on outsourcing within the framework of the Public Administration Research Institute, and writes for a large number of scientific journals.
Carlo Pelanda is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Georgia, USA. On the subject of reform of the State he has published Lo Stato della crescita (2000), Futurizzazione (2003) and, together with Paolo Savona, Sovranità & fiducia (2005). He writes for the newspapers Il Foglio and Il Sole 24 Ore.
Fabio Roversi Monaco is a Full Professor of Administrative Law in the Faculty of Law of the University Bologna, of which he was also Provost from 1985 to 2000. He is currently President of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation in Bologna, of BolognaFiere, of the European Secretariat for Scientific Publications and of the AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium.
Giulio Sapelli is a Full Professor of Economic History at the State University of Milan. He has taught and worked as an advisor in universities in Italy and abroad. He has held, and continues to hold, positions in Italian industries and banks, where he has played a leading role in control bodies and bodies designed to ensure effective governance.
Paolo Savona is an Emeritus Professor of Economic Policy, specialising in international monetary issues. He is currently President of Unicredit Banca of Rome. A former Minister of the Economy in the Ciampi Government, he has wide-ranging operational experience in the Public Administration and the private sector.

Antonio Tajani, Foreword
Vincenzo Fortunato, Preface
Consip S.p.A.: a story going back 10 years
The "Theory" behind Consip e-Government
The unique nature and value of the Consip model
Modernisation of the Public Administration based on a real, concrete approach to Change Management
The presence of areas of excellence dotted around the Public Administration e-Procurement
Opening up markets and mitigating monopolies
Contribution to the country's industrial policy lines
Skills enhancement in an international framework
Luigi Fiorentino, The Consip model: evolving profiles
Carlo Pelanda, Evolution of Consip
Fabio Roversi Monaco, Consip: legal definition in the context of a State made up of autonomous regions
Giulio Sapelli, Opening markets, development and new organisation: Consip's Sisyphean task
Paolo Savona, The market, the "Consip model" and economic policy
Table 1 - Framework Contracts System, 2001-2007 indicators
Table 2 - Framework Contracts System, analysis of 2007
Table 3 - Electronic Marketplace of the Public Administration, 200-2007 indicators
Table 4 - Electronic Marketplace of the Public Administration, analysis of 2007
Table 5 - Management and development of information system of the MEF and the "Corte dei conti" (Italian Audit Office), 2001-2007 indicators

Contributors: Luigi Fiorentino, Vincenzo Fortunato, Carlo Pelanda, Fabio Roversi Monaco, Giulio Sapelli, Paolo Savona, Antonio Tajani

Serie: Casi e studi d'impresa

Subjects: Economics and Management of State Companies - Public Management, Nonprofit Organizations - Histories and Case Histories

Level: Scholarly Research

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