Cooperation and Conflict in Border Areas

Giovanni Delli Zotti, Raimondo Strassoldo

Cooperation and Conflict in Border Areas

Printed Edition


Pages: 320

ISBN: 9788820454432

Edition: 1a edizione 1982

Publisher code: 2000.92

Availability: Limitata

R. Strassoldo is Professor of Urban and Rural Sociology at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Trieste.

G. Delli Zotti is a graduate of the European University Institute of Florence.

They ere both researchers at the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia (l.S.I.G.).

• Cross-Border Interactions and Structures: Case Studies
• G. Delli Zotti: Transnational Relations in a Border Region: the Case of Friuli-Venetia Julia
• V. Klemencic e I. Piry: The Elements of Regional integration in Border Area
• J. Revel-Mouroz: Consumer, Enterprise and Labour Mobility Adjustments in a Two-Nation Border System: the Case of Mexico
• J.-P. Jardel: Alpazur: a New Trans-Frontier Region
• C. Ricq: Federalism and Transfrontier Cooperation
• Regions and Frontiers in Western Europe: Political and institutional Aspects
• A. Chiti-Battelli: Frontiers, Regions, and Transnational integration: the Federalist Viewpoint
• G. van der Auwera: The Possibilities of European Community Action in Favour o Frontier Regions
• M. Anderson: Scenarios for Conflict in Frontier Regions
• Societal Boundaries and Their Overcoming: Theoretical Models
• R. Johansson: Boundary Conflict in a Comparative Perspective: A Theoretical Framework
• F. Heigl: The Border as Sociological, Social or National Phenomenon the Anthropogenous Region
• N. Luhmann: Territorial Borders as System Boundaries
• R. Strassoldo: Boundaries in Sociological Theory: a Reassessment
• C.F. Alger: Partecipation of Local Communities in Building Future Worlds
• U. Gori: By Way of Synthesis.

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