Giulia Pastori, Luisa Zecca

Cantieri aperti e scuole in costruzione

Alla ricerca di nuovi "modelli" e pratiche per una scuola democratica

Il volume raccoglie gli atti del secondo convegno internazionale, dal titolo Cantieri aperti e scuola in costruzione. Alla ricerca di nuovi modelli e pratiche di scuola democratica… per non tornare in classe “come prima della pandemia”! (novembre 2022): raccoglie i contributi di studiosi italiani e stranieri e di numerosi attori del panorama culturale e formativo impegnati nella promozione di nuovi modelli e nuove forme di fare ed essere Scuola, in un tempo di complessità.

cod. 11427.2

Giulia Pastori, Elisa Farina

What Worked? A Qualitative Study on the Tutor-Tutee Relationship in the Tutoring Online Program (TOP)


Fascicolo: 2 / 2022

The transformative processes that have involved the academic world for more than two decades have been accelerated and renewed in the wake of the Sars Covid-19 Pandemic. Universities, already oriented towards the promotion of smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, have nevertheless been called upon to rethink and reshape the services, projects and methodological approaches previously developed. The aim of this paper is to describe a qualitative study carried out within the Tutoring Online Program (TOP), designed to respond to the new demands brought to light by the pandemic. After outlining the innovative characteristics of TOP, where the tutors are volunteer university students and the tutees are secondary school students, the results of the qualitative research are presented. The aim of the survey is to identify the elements which, in the perception of the tutors and tutees, may have supported, or on the contrary limited, the creation of a meaningful relationship developed entirely online.

Giulia Pastori, Luisa Zecca

La scuola come bene di tutti, la scuola per il bene di tutti

Quale scuola vogliamo?

Questo volume raccoglie gli atti del primo convegno internazionale, organizzato dal Laboratorio di ricerca e formazione “Scuola e Cittadinanza Democratica”, dal titolo La scuola come bene di tutti. La scuola per il bene di tutti. Quale scuola vogliamo? Nel dialogo e nell’impegno condiviso abbiamo la speranza di poter non solo trovare strumenti e chiavi di interpretazione della nostra contemporaneità complessa, ma anche di poter incidere e dare una direzione di cambiamento concreto verso una società (e scuola) sempre più solidale e “fraterna”.

cod. 11427.1

Paolo Landri, Andrea M. Maccarini

Uno specchio per la valutazione della scuola.

Paradossi, controversie, vie d'uscita

Il volume discute la questione della valutazione del sistema scolastico in modo originale, legando l’attualità ai modelli di analisi avanzati dalla sociologia dell’educazione e realizzando un dialogo serrato tra le varie posizioni scientifiche caratterizzanti il dibattito teorico ed empirico che anima la Sezione Educazione dell’Associazione Italiana di Sociologia e ne costituisce il contributo alle decisioni pubbliche.

cod. 634.5

Giulia Pastori, Francesca Linda Zaninelli

I consumi culturali dei figli: la madre come "mediatrice culturale"


Fascicolo: 56-57 / 2008

I consumi culturali dei figli: la madre come "mediatrice culturale" - This research project explores the ‘cultural diet’ of immigrant children aged 3-6 and the role of cultural mediation played by their mothers in relation to a specific issue which connotes the migration experience of double ‘loyalties’ and the double process of acculturation as experienced by ‘first and second’ generations from diverse perspectives: loyalty and integration oriented towards the host society and also towards the home country and culture. The project involved a group of 8 Peruvian and 8 North-African Arab women, mothers of children attending the ECEC services in Milan. They were interviewed as favoured witnesses in order to explore the ‘cultural diets’ of their children, family choices regarding cultural products such as books, TV programs and new media, toys, games and outdoor activities. On the basis of the interviews, the researchers interpret and reconstruct mothers’ attitudes, ideas, choices and emotions in relation the their specific role as ‘cultural mediators’ for their children’s ‘cultural diets’, characterized by double cultural references (host and home culture). More specifically, the ‘mediation action’ within an individual’s and group’s spectrum of nuances aims at finding the delicate balance between assimilation to the new context, protection from undesired elements of the new context and the maintenance of cultural identity anchors from the home country. The data offers thought-provoking themes, opens new research questions and gives meaningful information, we think, for practitioners in ECEC services and schools. It is becoming more and more crucial to recognize and understand the real living conditions of immigrants, cultural attitudes regarding education and upbringing, the challenging complexity of double/multiple processes of acculturation and integration. Immigrant parents, acting as cultural mediators for their children, need to be supported in order to promote the active integration of children within the Italian context, supporting an identity that integrates the cultures of the home and host countries.