Antonio Scuderi, Fernando Salvetti

Digitalization and Cultural Heritage in Italy.

Innovative and Cutting-Edge Practices

Cultural heritage, in Italy, is a limitless source of innovation where traditions meet cutting-edge technology, mainly from the ongoing 4.0 digital revolution. Digital heritage is becoming an interesting dimension: the contemporary audience expects both stability and flexibility from museums, which should have attractivity without losing credibility.

cod. 1529.2.138

Fernando Salvetti, Barbara Bertagni

Learning 4.0.

Advanced Simulation, Immersive Experiences and Artificial Intelligence, Flipped Classrooms, Mentoring and Coaching

How to improve the way that science, technology, engineering and math, as well as the arts and the humanities are taught and learned? What are you doing as an educator to grasp the 4.0 revolution? Advanced simulation, immersive experiences and artificial intelligence, flipped classrooms, mentoring and coaching in the age of digital revolution. This is Learning 4.0! Are you ready?

cod. 1529.2.137

Michele La Rosa, Umberto Pallareti, Fernando Salvetti



Fascicolo: 138 / 2015

Our world today is "glocal", liquid, networked, virtual and polycentric. The shift from traditional mass media to a system of horizontal communication networks organized around the Internet and wireless communication has introduced a multiplicity of communication patterns at the source of a fundamental cultural transformation. The 21st century world is different from that for which the principal education systems were designed. It is not possible anymore to continue offering education in the traditional way. New educational trends are disrupting traditional attitudes towards current models. While the 19th and the 20th centuries were, in education, mainly about standardization, the 21st century is about visualization, customization, cheapification, gamification and some other relevant trends highlighted in the article. Today we are experiencing increasingly global interconnections, associated with some growing local and localized differentiations, as well as we are living a continuing transformation organized around information technologies - that is changing the way we produce, consume, behave, manage, communicate and think. In such a scenario, which are the key-competencies and capacities to be honed in order to foster employability? Which education and training approaches are the most effective? A cornerstone in between employability and self-empowerment is then introduced to the readers: e-REAL.

Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede

Culture e organizzazioni

Valori e strategie per operare efficacemente in contesti internazionali

Uno studio rivoluzionario su come il luogo e il contesto in cui siamo cresciuti modella il nostro modo di pensare, sentire e agire. Basato su una ricerca condotta in oltre settanta paesi in un arco di quarant’anni, esamina come si ingenera incomprensione e conflitto, invece di cooperazione.

cod. 1157.19

Franco Amicucci, Gabriele Gabrielli

Boundaryless learning

Nuove strategie e strumenti di formazione

Un volume fondamentale per professional e manager dello human resources management e knowledge management, executive e people manager, esperti di formazione manageriale e allievi di percorsi formativi post lauream sui temi di organizzazione, gestione e sviluppo delle risorse umane.

cod. 1157.17

Barbara Bertagni, Michele La Rosa

Ethics & Business.

Sustainability, Social responsibility and Ethical instruments

Ethics and business: the main challenge. The key issues: sustainability, social responsibility and the ethical instruments. But what are the instruments of ethics? How do we recognize a form of behaviour as ethically correct? What is a social responsible organization? At the European Union level, what are the main directives and guidelines? What about at the international level?

cod. 1529.2.111

Barbara Bertagni, Michele La Rosa

Glocal working.

Living and working across the world with cultural intelligence

To live and work in our “glocal” world, we have to be innovative as “outsiders” able to see the same things in many different ways. If we see and think differently about a business need, a problem or a market’s niche, we have a good chance of coming up with an out-of-the-box approach – one that’s original, unique and competitive. So we need some cross-cultural intelligence.

cod. 1529.2.110

To be successful, people need to be able to master skills quickly in a new field. In brief: to learn how to learn. The learning process is much more important than the content learned. In the proximate future, managerial work will be characterized by human and intellectual resources development: organizational knowledge creation, competences and abilities management and development in order to spread them inside/outside organizations and transform them into products, services and operative systems.

cod. 1529.2.107

Fernando Salvetti

L’etica degli strumenti e il lavoro manageriale


Fascicolo: 106-107 / 2007

The organizations: contexts where work takes place, or where there is fight, at various levels, so that people work possibly together and reach targets. The instruments of ethics: the charter of the values, declarations in principle and evaluation systems more or less coherent, ethic codes and research of congruent behaviour. The ethics of instruments: to ensure that the instruments for the implementation of the organizational ethics do not have too diverted, bureaucratised, institutionalised, useless lifes. And also paradoxical: as far as practically the negation of the values established in principle are concerned. In business it’s easy to wander off the proper path, because professional standards are a vocational option, not part of a territory. And there are standards difficult to code, unavoidably imperfect, often incomplete, inadequate and redundant in reverse order with regard to the requirements of the concrete case. Though useful, often essential.

Fernando Salvetti

Knowledge governance e dintorni: il futuro prossimo venturo del lavoro manageriale


Fascicolo: 103 / 2006

Knowledge governance and surroundings: managerial work forthcoming future How can we manage knowledge, human and intellectual resources, cognitive and behavioral dynamics at their best within the corporations? Why are there always more managers encouraging and promoting not only activities like knowledge mapping, but also organizational dialogs and narrations? How do we create and manage, in a flexible and dynamic way, corporation knowledge and specific resources? In other words, is it possible to plan a corporation able to be flexible, elastic and creative as well as a well-trained human mind? The main challenge is to use the missing knowledge, often incomplete and contradictory, owned by a single man and globally not available to anyone. Nowadays, successful corporations generally are the ones that are able to perform with more effectiveness than others gathering, storing, distribution and use of information. We know that technology unassisted cannot grant the best use of human and intellectual resources and that the main key factor for a full knowledge and abilities employment is the strengthening of an organizational culture, useful to promote and support the knowledge and competencies sharing. The knowledge economy asks for flexible organizational functioning models, always customer and quality control oriented, founded on an intense use of knowledge. The oncoming managerial work will increasingly imply the human and intellectual resources development: the creation of an organizational knowledge, abilities, competencies and knowledge development and management in order to spread them inside/outside the corporations and translate them into products, services and systems. The article is a critical reflection on pratique gouvernementale, in favor of the minimal governance, as a functioning principle of knowledge governance within corporations investing on training, competencies development, human resources development management system and tools, knowledge management and surroundings. The knowledge driven corporation is a cognitive and social dimension qualified by continuously evolving processes, where to know doesn’t mean recognize, being it learning something given that is outside us, but rather cover the multiple ways of worldmaking which allow to create and build not only new products, but new ways of acting and thinking, therefore, new horizons and awareness possibility within limits and shapes granted by the organizational structure in which we are working.

Barbara Bertagni, Michele La Rosa, Fernando Salvetti



Fascicolo: 103 / 2006

Ways of self-empowerment: people development into organizations as CSR dimension ABSTRACT: The corporate social responsibility is a central challenge, that is articulated along various directions: the corporate ethical codes, the social balance next to the financial balance, the search for sustainable development strategies for the environment and the social context in which the companies operate, the certification of environmental quality, the ethical investments funds, the introduction of the Ethics Officer as a new professional figure inside organizations. Selfempowerment is a challenge for the organizations careful of all CSR aspects.