Marco Pedroni, Paolo Volontè

Moda e arte

Attraverso il contributo di sociologi, storici dell’arte, antropologi e studiosi di moda, il volume esplora i margini di contaminazione, sovrapposizione e collaborazione tra moda e arte, interrogandosi su cause ed effetti dell’interazione tra le due sfere, il cui confronto avviene su svariati terreni: dal fashion design alla sperimentazione artistica, dalle riviste di settore alle manifestazioni espositive.

cod. 1155.1.32

Luca Guerrini, Paolo Volontè

Dialogues on Design.

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2018

This book presents the most updated developments of design research in the form of six dialogues between scholars of the Politecnico di Milano and international scholars. Each dialogue focuses on a specific topic recently addressed on the Politecnico di Milano’s PhD programme: the role of users, social innovation, fashion design, colour design, interaction design and urban design.

cod. 319.5

Lucia Rampino

Design Research: Between Scientific Method and Project Praxis.

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2012

Methodology is pivotal to any research effort because “its reliability is determined by its methodology”. In design, research reliability is an even more delicate issue. As a result, there continues to be debate about what it means to do research using the tools and methods that belong to the discipline of design, even about the terms in which such research is possible. This book aims to make a contribution to this debate.

cod. 85.84

Luca Guerrini

Notes on Doctoral Research in Design.

Contributions from the Politecnico di Milano

The Politecnico of Milan was the first university in Italy to start a PhD degree program in industrial design in 1990, under the direction of Tomás Maldonado. After the direction of Ezio Manzini (1996-2009), Francesco Trabucco became the director of the program and focused his attention on the nature of design. This book collects the first results of this new direction.

cod. 85.78