Biancamaria Torquati, Lucio Cecchini, Chiara Paffarini, Massimo Chiorri

The economic and environmental sustainability of extra virgin olive oil supply chains: An analysis based on food miles and value chains

Economia agro-alimentare

Fascicolo: 1 / 2021

Following the growing trend towards globalisation of the agrifood system over the last few years, a number of scientific publications with different aims and methodological approaches have addressed the issue of the progressive link loss between the place of consumption and production of food. In part, thescientific debate has focused on the various agri-food production commercial outlets, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both the dominant models like mass market retail, as well as emerging models like solidarity purchasing groups The present study can be classified as concerning the sustainability of agri-food supply chains. It compares five different extra virgin olive oil (evoo) supply chains in terms of the distance between the agricultural producer and end consumer, from both an economic perspective (the number of intermediaries) and a geographical one (production and consumption places). The examined aspects are 1) all the supply chain segments in which value is added to what will be the final food product purchased by the consumer, with a focus on trade and the transport cost estimated in relation to food miles; 2) the environmental impact of transport along the entire supply chain up to the distribution of evoo to the final consumer; and 3) the trade-offs between the environmental impact and economic results.The results obtained confirm some existing general evidence in the literature, such as the greater enhancement of agricultural products through short supply chains, and they emphasize as combining the value chain results with the environmental impact based on FMs, no real trade-offs, but rather trends, emerge.

Elena Viganò, Angela Mariani, Chiara Taglioni, Biancamaria Torquati

Consumatori e canali alternativi per il biologico: il caso del Gruppo Organizzato di Domanda e Offerta di aiab-Umbria


Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

The present paper shows the results of a research carried out on a particular alternative food channel - the Organised Demand and Supply Groups (godo) of Umbria (Italy) managed by the Italian Association for Organic Agriculture (aiab). It is very interesting in terms of management, size (number of firms and consumers members involved) and relative growth rates. The analysis was carried out by systematising data and quantitative information available at godo and by administering questionnaires to consumers members in order to collect information about socio-economic characteristics and consumer behaviour. Then, the consumer profiles have been identified by the application of the Cluster Analysis. At last, the consumer profiles analysis has allowed us to formulate some suggestions in order to improve godo’s organization.

Le problematiche legate al miglioramento del servizio di tutoria come strumento per orientare e assistere gli studenti, nonché promuovere la loro partecipazione attiva a tutte le attività formative, organizzative e gestionali della struttura universitaria. Il testo analizza l’inquadramento giuridico e le attività di tutorato attivate dalle facoltà dell’Ateneo di Perugia; individua le fasi e gli snodi centrali nel processo formativo; progetta i servizi di tutorato per livelli ed esigenze locali.

cod. 365.690

Antonio Boggia, Gaetano Martino

Agricolture e mercati in transizione.

Atti del XLIII Convegno di studi. Assisi, 7-9 settembre 2006

Gli atti del XLIII Convegno annuale di studi della Società Italiana di Economia Agraria (Sidea) sul tema “Agricolture e mercati in transizione”. Con il termine transizione si intende riassumere le dinamiche operanti nelle agricolture europee e la profondità dei cambiamenti in corso, invitando anche a predisporre gli strumenti concettuali indispensabili a fronteggiarli.

cod. 1820.186

Biancamaria Torquati

Agricoltura e paesaggio in Umbria e Lazio.

Le politiche, gli strumenti di lettura e di valutazione

Il volume raccoglie i risultati delle ricerche svolte in Umbria e nel Lazio nell’ambito della ricerca “Gli interventi paesaggistico-ambientali nelle politiche regionali di sviluppo rurale” (IPAPoRe). Lo studio ha riguardato le relazioni esistenti tra politiche paesaggistiche (gestione da parte delle istituzioni locali e valutazione monetaria del paesaggio rurale), attività produttive agricole ed evoluzione del paesaggio.

cod. 365.536