The search has found 24 titles

Sergio Mariotti, Lucia Piscitello

Linee guida per un'efficace politica di attrazione degli investimenti esteri


Fascicolo: 1 / 2012

The increasing competition between governments to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) can be attributed to their prominent role in promoting knowledge-sharing, innovation and growth. The fact that Italy has always been a laggard in such initiatives has further blemished the country’s attractiveness to foreign investors. Based on the past experience of other nations and on the conceptual models advanced in the latest international literature, the paper suggests a design framework for general guidelines that may be of use to policymakers in formulating an effective policy to encourage FDI. The framework combines principles based on the country-specific competitive advantages and opportunities generated by international investments. Specifically, the paper identifies several policy measures and discusses their optimal mix with reference to the case of Italy.

Lucia Piscitello, Grazia D. Santangelo

Multinationals and Local Competitiveness

The book offers an overview of the economic research dealing with the process of firms’ internationalisation and the impact of multinationals’ activity on local competitiveness, by presenting a set of theoretical and empirical contributions characterised by high methodological rigour and scientific excellence. This volume is the fifth of an ongoing series that aims at handing down to the readers the wealth of theoretical and empirical contributions stemming from DIG Lunch Seminars.

cod. 380.351

In recent years, firms in an increasing number of industries are experimenting new “Open” ways of managing Intellectual Property Rights in viable business opportunities, that aim at fostering, rather than limiting, the access to information. Promoting collective ownership and information sharing in on-line communities has proved to foster creativity, dynamic capabilities and global competitiveness of companies.

cod. 380.346

Il presente lavoro si colloca nell’ambito del filone di studi sulle determinanti dei pattern localizzativi delle attività innovative con un duplice obiettivo. In primo luogo, analizza la distribuzione regionale delle attività innovative intraprese dalle grandi imprese multinazionali (IMN) nell’ultimo trentennio in Europa. Successivamente, il lavoro avanza e sottopone a verifica statistica l’ipotesi che le imprese di proprietà estera seguono percorsi localizzativi significativamente differenti rispetto alle imprese domestiche, essendo attratte da fattori di attrattività specifici di ciascun contesto regionale. I risultati dell’analisi econometrica, condotta su 77 regioni europee nel periodo 1969-1995, confermano difatti che le imprese multinazionali estere risultano sensibilmente attratte dagli spillover connessi con il sistema educativo, le attività di R&S dei centri pubblici e delle Università, una base tecnologica diversificata, la specializzazione regionale in tecnologie di tipo general purpose.