Gian Cesare Romagnoli

L'economia liberale.

Saggi per Francesco Forte

Prendendo le mosse da una riflessione sul pensiero economico di Luigi Einaudi, economista liberale ma non liberista, il volume si sviluppa su una pluralità di temi ulteriori su cui si è soffermata la vasta attività di ricerca di Francesco Forte, al quale il volume è dedicato, di cui viene presentato il saggio sull’economia pubblica liberale.

cod. 363.109

Equalization transfers, or grants, are a crucial component of modern federal and unitary countries. They also shape the evolution of different political systems promoting convergence in their effective working. The literature does not provide studies with a long-term and comparative perspective despite the relevance of this approach to the study of intergovernmental relations. The paper provides a contribution aimed at filling this void. It considers a small set of countries, including two unitary systems, Italy and the UK with a focus on English local government and three federal countries, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Federal systems are now paying more attention than initially to uniformity of policies and equality of access to the benefits of public policies, while unitary systems show much more attention than in the past to reaching equality of access and benefits from policies through local autonomy and use of transparent intergovernmental grants, rather than with hierarchical command. Another way of illustrating this process is stressing the growing recognition of common citizenship in both federal and unitary states.

The paper offers a review of the recent processes of structural reform of subnational government in France, Spain and Denmark. Shrinking the number of levels of government and of the number of units at each level was the main aim of those processes. The paper analyzes motivation and results, focusing on political and institutional constraints with a special emphasis on the impact of electoral systems. Spain and France show similarities with Italy concerning the structure of decentralized government and ambitions of reform. Denmark represents a very interesting case combining a pure proportional system of representation with a corporatist decision-making process. This combination requires a global and negotiated approach to intergovernmental reform, also. France and Spain seem to have operated within a shorter time frame that privileges immediate results. Contrary to Denmark established layers of government in both France and Spain, such as the municipalities and the provinces, seem to have been almost immune to reform.

Ires Piemonte, Irpet

La finanza locale in Italia.

Rapporto 2010

La sesta edizione del Rapporto analizza la congiuntura della finanza locale e la sua articolazione sul territorio, ricorrendo alla contabilità economica dell’ISTAT e ai più aggiornati flussi di cassa di Comuni e Province, e dedica una parte all’evoluzione del governo locale dall’Unità d’Italia ad oggi.

cod. 1820.235

Stefania Lorenzini, Roberta Rabellotti

Federalismo e crescita: è possibile una relazione virtuosa?

Il volume raccoglie alcuni dei contributi, presentati alla XXX Conferenza Scientifica Annuale dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali, sui temi del federalismo, affiancandoli a una serie di contributi che analizzano alcune importanti determinanti della crescita a livello regionale: il capitale umano, le economie esterne, gli investimenti diretti esteri.

cod. 1390.44

Isae, Ires Piemonte

La finanza locale in Italia

Rapporto 2008

Il Rapporto sulla finanza locale 2008 affronta una questione di grande portata: l’approvazione da parte del Governo di un Disegno di legge delega per l’attuazione dell’art. 119 della Costituzione, la norma che ha introdotto nell’ordinamento italiano il federalismo fiscale. Una svolta legislativa da tempo attesa per la definizione di un nuovo assetto dei rapporti finanziari tra Stato, Regioni ed Enti locali, nella prospettiva di un maggior decentramento.

cod. 1820.192

Federico Biagi, Giorgio Brosio, Gilberto Turati

Le imposte di scopo: una rassegna di alcuni casi interessanti


Fascicolo: 5 / 2004

In this paper we survey some cases of earmarked taxation. We focus, in particular, on road pricing (that can be interpreted as a tax on traffic flows), and on tourism tax. We show that, in both cases, a pigouvian tax (i.e. a tax used to correct external effects caused by traffic or tourists) can be interpreted as a earmarked tax by simply using its revenue to fund public infrastructures aimed at easing congestion caused by traffic or tourists. We also consider the difficulties of implementing such schemes by analysing a few actual experiences in other countries.