The search has found 21 titles

Massimo Spadola Bisetti

Foniatria & logopedia 2.0.

Come la tecnologia cambia le professioni foniatrica e logopedica

Le professioni foniatrica e logopedica devono cogliere i cambiamenti tecnologici avvenuti nell’ultimo decennio e affrontarli con una nuova prospettiva al fine di proporre piani riabilitativi/rimediativi al passo con i tempi. La Relazione Ufficiale SIFEL 2017 cerca di portare, se non risposte certe su tutti questi argomenti, almeno punti di riflessione e di aggiornamento culturale per medici specialisti in audiologia e foniatria, otorinolaringoiatri e logopedisti.

cod. 502.12

Willem Tousijn

I rapporti inter-professionali in sanità: dal vecchio al nuovo professionalismo


Fascicolo: 3 / 2015

The sociological analysis of the professions may provide useful theories and concepts for the debate contained in this volume. The old model of professionalism, based on the notions of autonomy and professional jurisdiction and on building and defending inter-professional boundaries, is challenged by powerful factors of change. A study on multi-disciplinary teams engaged in the implementation of social- health integration provides some useful ideas for building a new model of professionalism.

Nicoletta Bosco, Willem Tousijn



Fascicolo: 3 / 2015

Il volume raccoglie gli interventi di alcuni esperti internazionali della ricerca comparata nell’ambito della Sociologia della salute e della medicina, affrontando la discussa distinzione fra metodologie qualitative e quantitative nel quadro delle strategie di ricerca adottate. Il testo propone poi una revisione sistematica delle ricerche in questo campo, che hanno utilizzato due fra le principali fonti internazionali, lo European Social Survey e il modello ISSP (International Social Survey Program) di ricerca multimazionale per sondaggio.

cod. 1341.36

This volume tries to shed light on the controversial distinction between qualitative and quantitative methodologies in sociological research on health. Together with a deep analysis of the multi-level statistical models, the qualitative methods are also investigated. A panel discussion on the state-of-the-art of comparative research in the Sociology of Health and Medicine in Italy, two comparative researches by Italian scholars and an assessment of the different typologies of health systems complete the series of contributions.

cod. 1341.35

Luigi Melocchi, Willem Tousijn

Oltre il declino: autonomia professionale e rinnovamento del professionalismo medico


Fascicolo: 1 / 2004

In many industrialized countries there is a great attention to the reduction of health care costs. Physicians also have become aware of the problem. There are studies that consider the opinion of the physicians about the impact of financial constraints on professional autonomy, but in this article the focus is on managed care mechanisms and the their limits. Melocchi and Tousijn first deal with cost disease. Then they consider some usable tools for health care management. After a short discussion of the well known thesis on the decline of medical professionalism, the authors analyze, with favour, the hypothesis that the best defense of the profession stays in the uncertainty of the physicians’ tasks. We conclude by an appeal to professional associations that they rethink and adapt their professional logic, for some important aspects, to a changing health care system.

Enzo Giorgino, Willem Tousijn



Fascicolo: 1 / 2003