Response of Lombardy region no profit organisations to the COVID-19 health emergency: A qualitative study

Author/s Daniela Marzana, Giovanni Aresi, Nicola Boventi, Chiara Crafa, Elena Marta
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 29-46 File size 213 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2021-001003
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This study investigated how no profit organisations responded to the COVID-19 health emergency to address their mission. Representatives and ten volunteers from eight organisa-tions in the Lombardy region were interviewed during the early months of the emergency. Thematic analysis indicated that during the March ̶ April 2020 lockdown (Phase 1 of the emergency), by reflecting on their mission and operational mechanisms, the organisations de-veloped training to their staff and volunteers, found new tools and alternative strategies to guarantee the continuation of their service. During Phase 2 (May- June), organisations’ repre-sentatives and volunteers faced uncertainties and, under such circumstances, developed new projects and revised their own mission not to find themselves unprepared in the future.

Keywords: no profit; volunteers; role identity; health emergency; COVID-19.

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Daniela Marzana, Giovanni Aresi, Nicola Boventi, Chiara Crafa, Elena Marta, La risposta delle associazioni di terzo settore lombarde all’emergenza sanitaria da COVID-19: uno studio qualitativo in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 1/2021, pp 29-46, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2021-001003