Servizi relazionali sussidiari e (meta)riflessività. Il caso del "Giocoamico" di parma

Autori/Curatori Riccardo Prandini
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/3
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 25 P. 143-167 Dimensione file 172 KB
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In this paper the author tries to show what it means to organize and deliver new subsidiary relational services. Subsidiarity is not only a political value or a more efficient (economic) way to provide services. Subsidiarity is a new way to organize relational services, i.e. services that work on relationships. From this point of view, the subsidiarity of a given service is an emergent property generated by a special kind of reciprocal orientations between the actors of the service itself. This special reciprocity is based on practices of (meta)reflexivity. The categorical imperative of subsidiarity is: act in such a way as to make possible for everyone to act at his/her best, developing his/her personal skills and competences in order to make others act in theirs. Thus, subsidiarity is an eigenvalue, which emerges from these reciprocal orientations. To act in a subsidiary way is to act reflecting about and across the relationships that make the service possible. It is not simply to act in the best individual way possible, but to act for, with, from and in order to improve the relationship with others. Reflections about our ways of acting, and (meta) reflections about the influence everyone’s actions have upon the actions of others, are here at stake. So, supplying a subsidiary relational service means leaving the modern system based on the values of individual competence-bureaucracy-working skills-aggregation of output, to develop a new system based on the values of relational competence-responsibility-duty-emergence of outcome. In this paper this new vision is illustrated by a case study dedicated to a service named Giocoamico, provided by the Hospital of Parma. The case study is only conceived to be a euristic device, which is useful to develop new scientific observations on the emergent field of subsidiarity relational services.;

Riccardo Prandini, Servizi relazionali sussidiari e (meta)riflessività. Il caso del "Giocoamico" di parma in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" 3/2007, pp 143-167, DOI: