Origine e Filiazione. Studio clinico sull’immaginario inconscio dei genitori circa la Fecondazione autologa in vitro e il Trasferimento embrionale (FIVET) attraverso crioconservazione dello zigote

Autori/Curatori Claudia Mejía , François Ansermet , Marc Germond
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 32 P. 11-42 Dimensione file 524 KB
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Origin and Parenting Clinical study on the unconscious parental fantasies concerning autologous IVF through embryo cryopreservation This paper presents the results of research based on interviews with sterile parents who have had several children after autologous IVF, of whom one was born after thawing the zygote. The aim of this research was to understand how these sterile parents had assimilated IVF involving zygote cryopreservation in terms of their filial bond to the child. To explore this new reality we developed a method of psychoanalytical clinical research which combines the advantages of case studies with the objectivity of quantitative data. We also used a specific linguistic methodology that enables analysing recorded interview discourse in an objective way. Results report on parents’ conscious imaginings on cryopreservation that were found common to the studied couples and show the psychological vulnerability for posterior parenting of a specific clinical situation: several children born after a single ovocyte retrieval thanks to the embryo cryopreservation. Results have led to particular fantasies about the child born after thawing the zygote as a survivor coming from only one parent’s body, and about the sterile filial bond conceived like a repetition of the parent themselves. The specificity of IVF parents’ unconscious fantasies regarding normal reproduction is evaluated and several psychological clinical guidelines are proposed. Keywords: psychoanalysis, cryopreserved embryo, parenting, IVF, children;

Claudia Mejía , François Ansermet , Marc Germond, Origine e Filiazione. Studio clinico sull’immaginario inconscio dei genitori circa la Fecondazione autologa in vitro e il Trasferimento embrionale (FIVET) attraverso crioconservazione dello zigote in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2008, pp 11-42, DOI: