Segregazione, polarizzazione sociale e disuguaglianze ad Atene durante gli anni '90: aspettative teoriche e differenze dei contesti abitativi

Titolo Rivista ARGOMENTI
Autori/Curatori Thomas Maloutas
Anno di pubblicazione 2007 Fascicolo 2007/19
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 33 P. 61-93 Dimensione file 703 KB
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This paper investigates segregation, polarization and inequality trends in Athens during the 1990s and focuses on what may seem as a paradoxical coexistence of decreasing segregation with increasing social polarisation and inequality. The explanation of this coexistence focuses on the difference of social polarization in the specific context from the dominant assumptions related to the global city thesis, and on the structure of the city’s housing market that prevented the important wave of immigration during the 1990s to intensify segregation. Arguing for more context awareness, the paper does not try to stress the specificity of the Athenian case but, mainly, to reveal the context dependent character of the dominant assumptions about segregation and social polarization and, therefore, to show their limitations.;

Thomas Maloutas, Segregazione, polarizzazione sociale e disuguaglianze ad Atene durante gli anni '90: aspettative teoriche e differenze dei contesti abitativi in "ARGOMENTI" 19/2007, pp 61-93, DOI: