Aspetti relazionali e psicosessuologici della PMA nella coppia

Autori/Curatori Cinzia Silvaggi, Ilaria Brandolese, Ivana Vecchioni
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2009/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 14 P. 79-92 Dimensione file 88 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSC2009-001004
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Art relational and psychosexuological aspects in the couple - For psychological’s detail, fertility disorder represents an attachment whether to individual or couple identity. Indeed the infertility condition draws a stressful event for couple, often contributes to alienate the couple from the relational expressive aspects of sexuality. Infact, sexuality frequently became a mechanical experience finalized only to reproduction, this facilitate the worsening of sexual dysfunctions already present in the couple before the diagnosis of infertility, and also, this facilities the emerge of new symptoms, during and after, the ART course. Psychosexual intervention, such as counselling, could be useful for the single patient, or even better the couple, to overcome the condition of being infertile and to satisfy the need to be better informed about their condition, whether it contributes to being able to accept that condition or to face up to their condition.

Key words: fertility disorders, infertility, sexual disorders, counselling.

Parole chiave: disturbi della fertilità, infertilità, disturbi sessuali, counselling.;

Cinzia Silvaggi, Ilaria Brandolese, Ivana Vecchioni, Aspetti relazionali e psicosessuologici della PMA nella coppia in "RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA" 1/2009, pp 79-92, DOI: 10.3280/RSC2009-001004