Prix à terminaison "9" et influence du comportement d'achat: Une évaluation lors d'une vente en porte-à-porte

Autori/Curatori Renzo Ardiccioni, Nicolas Guéguen
Anno di pubblicazione 2010 Fascicolo 2010/2
Lingua Francese Numero pagine 13 P. 129-141 Dimensione file 454 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2010-002007
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Nine-ending price and consumer behavior: An evaluation in a door-to-door buying context - The effect of nine-ending prices on consumer’s behavior was little studied whereas its practice is largely used. Only one experimental research showed that it did not contribute to increase the number of purchasers but leads to increase the average basket of the purchaser. After presented a review of research on this topic and its theoretical state, we proposed a new experiment were salesmen, in a door-to-door context, sold pastry makings for the profit of a human organisation. The prices, given verbally, were either with a 9-ending termination (1.99 € an half-dozen of crepes) or with a "full" termination (2.00 € the crepe half-dozen). The results show a positive effect of the "9-ending" prices on the rate of purchasers but not on the average basket. These contradictions are discussed according to a contextual approach.

Keywords:Nine-ending prices, information processing treatment, consumer’s behavior

  • Effets de forme et de terminaison des prix : une comparaison enfants – adultes Coralie Damay, Nathalie Guichard, Amélie Clauzel, in Management & Avenir /2014 pp.91
    DOI: 10.3917/mav.072.0091

Renzo Ardiccioni, Nicolas Guéguen, Prix à terminaison "9" et influence du comportement d'achat: Une évaluation lors d'une vente en porte-à-porte in "MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ" 2/2010, pp 129-141, DOI: 10.3280/MC2010-002007