Preserving the Existence of Subak in Bali: The Role of Social, Cultural, and Economic Agencies

Titolo Rivista Economia agro-alimentare
Autori/Curatori Made Ika Prastyadewi, Indah Susilowati, Deden Dinar Iskandar
Anno di pubblicazione 2021 Fascicolo 2020/3
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 20 P. 1-20 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ecag3-2020oa11045
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This study focuses on the existence of Subak in Bali as a form of agricultural local wisdom that needs preserving and protecting. This study was conducted in Jatiluwih Subak in Tabanan Regency – Bali as an icon of the World Cultural Heritage. The analysis relied on the mixed-method approach, with 94 farmers as the research respondents. Findings from this study demonstrate that only some farmers understood Subak’s status as the World Cultural Heritage. In addition, most of them did not plan to sell their agricultural lands because those lands were inherited from their ancestors that need preserving and inheriting their offspring. Subak, as a customary institution, plays a dominant roles socially, culturally, and economically in preserving well-functioning Subak. However, the government’s supports are still crucial in preserving Subak to remain as a World Cultural Heritage.

This study focuses on the existence of Subak in Bali as a form of agricultural local wisdom that needs preserving and protecting. This study was conducted in Jatiluwih Subak in Tabanan Regency – Bali as an icon of the World Cultural Heritage. The analysis relied on the mixed-method approach, with 94 farmers as the research respondents. Findings from this study demonstrate that only some farmers understood Subak’s status as the World Cultural Heritage. In addition, most of them did not plan to sell their agricultural lands because those lands were inherited from their ancestors that need preserving and inheriting their offspring. Subak, as a customary institution, plays a dominant roles socially, culturally, and economically in preserving well-functioning Subak. However, the government’s supports are still crucial in preserving Subak to remain as a World Cultural Heritage.

Keywords:Agriculture, Local wisdom, World Cultural Heritage, Jatiluwih, Bali

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Made Ika Prastyadewi, Indah Susilowati, Deden Dinar Iskandar, Preserving the Existence of Subak in Bali: The Role of Social, Cultural, and Economic Agencies in "Economia agro-alimentare" 3/2020, pp 1-20, DOI: 10.3280/ecag3-2020oa11045