cod. 1056.1
The search has found 116 titles
cod. 1056.1
Metodologie e tecniche per leggere le concentrazioni nel Nord e nel Sud del mondo
Un contributo allo studio della città in chiave sociologica. Scopo del testo è di accompagnare, passo per passo, chi va addentrandosi nello studio dell’urbanizzato. Nell’ambito di una corretta rielaborazione dei concetti che tenga conto delle radicali trasformazioni in atto.
cod. 1561.82
Rethinking "Urban Sociology". Part four: methodology of research in historical, cultural, and interactional approach - Doing territorial research is not only considering what we called base factors (morphology, economy, urban planning) but also many other ones, just like historical documentation and all factors connected with the culture of a place. Lat but not least, we also have to consider the role of social interaction system. This research step is probably the one where the distinction between qualitative and quantitative assumes the highest importance. In particular, it is interesting to study social interactions which favour what we called connective properties; they can be seen as an opportunity of exchange among relational, symbolic and fruition contexts.
Rethinking the "Urban Sociology". Part three: research Methodology in a socio-territorial approach (the basic components) - In this third part some steps of empirical research are considered. A particular attention is given to what we call "first analysis plan", in which all the requalifying elements are located, including the morphological, economic and urban planning ones. Moreover, some further concepts are introduced: the "structured territorial context" (the research place), the "theme-based area" (the constitutional factors of structure), and the "interstitial analysis" (every element which implies change). Then, some methodological steps are mentioned in relation to quantitative data analysis.
Key words: base territorial factors, concept crashing, survey files, perceived structure, re-qualifying cognitive surplus.
Dimensioni spazio-temporali dell'esclusione urbana
Le città hanno sempre rappresentato luoghi di inclusione sociale, spazi di libertà nei quali accogliere e rappresentare i cittadini. Tuttavia nelle città da sempre esistono anche zone d’ombra, aree povere e di esclusione sociale nelle quali i diritti formali non garantiscono uguaglianza sociale. Il volume condivide la convinzione che luoghi e tempi urbani rappresentino elementi costitutivi dei fenomeni sociali e che la morfologia sociale delle città contemporanee abbia aumentato, anziché ridotto, l’esclusione dei soggetti più deboli.
cod. 1561.80
Rethinking the "Urban Sociology". Part two: from a need of consistency to an unpredictability hypothesis - I come back to the debate which was begun in the "first part". Now, I focus on the concept of "structure" as a basic moment in the empirical research on the territory (in particular, the concept of perceived structure will be considered). After that, I will stress the connection between science and technology, and the importance to insert them in an Urban Sociology debate (Heidegger and the concept of Ge-Steel). Then, I will conclude putting into evidence the difficulty in territory fruition.
Key words: social morphology, structured territorial context, safety/technology, ontology of decline.
Ripensare la "Sociologia urbana". Parte prima: specificità disciplinare e variabili in campo - Re-thinking "Urban Sociology". Part one: disciplinary specificity and field variables, In his paper Paolo Guidicini proposes a profound reflection on some basisconcepts for Urban Sociology. The goal is outline the essential elements to rethinking the urban sociological research, from re-conceptualisation of urban actor to a re-interpretation of human/urban link, across the analysis of two classical binomial as homogeneity/heterogeneity and identity/identification. Key words: urban sociology, cognitive surplus, city of the third world.
Speaking about sustainability - In this paper, Paolo Guidicini speaks about the concept of sustainability not as an empirical object, but as work hypothesis for sociological research. In fact, the author tries to find an operative-definition for a scientific word which is often employed but still hard-to-define.
Di fronte a un concetto di urbano effimero e sempre più immerso in un’aura di mistero, l’uomo cerca oggi situazioni che gli permettano di liberarsi da una condizione oppressiva di indifferenza per scoprire qualcosa di tangibilmente persistente. Il naturale – ancora fonte di proprietà non disvelate – lo affascina terribilmente: cresce quindi, all’interno del massimo di urbanità, il numero di coloro che rincorrono spazi di rinserrata condivisione e rassicurazioni feticistiche.
cod. 1561.74
Ovvero: la città che ci dobbiamo aspettare
Un volume sulla città che ci attende, ovvero quella che vorremmo si realizzasse, che tiene conto del fenomeno immigratorio, ne analizza l’impatto sul già esistente da parte dei nuovi arrivati, le possibili forme di insediamento, le perplessità che ingenera nei residenti storici.
cod. 1561.69
Ricerche mirate sul disagio "sommerso" dei giovani ad Udine
cod. 1563.29
First of all, this article analyzes three fundamental concepts to understand migration phenomenon: citizenship, belonging and territory. After that, starting from emerged considerations, five variable dichotomies (frequently employed to understand immigration reality) are examined: mobility/rooting; identity/identification; belonging/sharing; de-construction/restructuring; homogenisation/differentiation; with a particular attention on the role of territory concept.
Diritti e servizi nel nuovo welfare locale
cod. 1563.46
cod. 1561.49
Servizi sociali, regionalizzazione e garanzie
cod. 1563.48
Una riflessione socio-antropologica sulla vulnerabilità
cod. 1563.43
Le logiche di sviluppo della metropoli contemporanea
cod. 1561.51
Una ricerca empirica su studenti e innovazione nei percorsi di studio
cod. 1520.511
cod. 1805.18
Social Work and Territory. Italian Social Affairs transferred to Regional Level: what changes in the Social Work? is a project financed by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universistà e della Ricerca”, that involves eight Universities (Bologna, Catania, Macerata, Napoli, Sassari, Siena, Trento, Trieste). The local projects analyse the role of Social Work in this stage of promotion of regional policies in their typical contexts, where the formation of Social Worker rises as a central aspect. The territorial dimension, the organization and the management are very important, as law, administrative and project policies too. The effects on the interactions between public and private sectors and on the role of voluntary and Third Sector are very interesting, specially regarding their support activities for public policies.