Thomas Spiegelhalter

Analog to AI Futures: Pioneering SynBio Nexus Design

Concepts, Tools, Workflows, Protocols and Architectural Explorations, 1985-2100

This book is not merely a historical record but a forward-looking manifesto advocating for interdisciplinary collaboration to tackle the complex challenges of climate change within the energy, food, and water nexus. With projects ranging from solarpowered buildings, green-blue-infrastructural digital twin scenario designs from 2018 to 2100 in Miami to 3Dprinted structures and bridges globally, and discussions on disruptive technologies like BIM and generative AI design algorithms, this book is a vital resource for anyone interested in the future of resilient, and adaptive urban design.

cod. 1098.2.80

Thomas Spiegelhalter

Crunch design research

Food, water, energy nexus. Volume 3 - Carbon positive 2020-2100

Today more than 50% of ecologies in the world are determined by unsustainable industrialisation processes. The latest United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports showing that we are quickly arriving at points of no return in the warming of our planet. Under the three year umbrella of CRUNCH (Climate Resilient Urban Nexus CHoices), and the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) Nexus research, this Third Volume looks at designing adaptive, resilient, biology-inspired, and carbon-positive green-blue infrastructures and buildings, self-growing coastal barrier islands on a timeline from 2019 to 2100.

cod. 1098.2.64

Thomas Spiegelhalter

Crunch design research

Food, water, energy nexus. Volume 2 - Net-Zero High-Rises

Greater Miami and the Islands are one of the most climate-vulnerable regions on planet Earth. In the coming decades, the low-lying areas of Miami are set to be swallowed by sea-level rise combined with increased yearly threats of hurricanes, king tides, tropical storm surges and heatwaves. Under the three year umbrella of CRUNCH (Climate Resilient Urban Nexus CHoices), and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus research, this Second Volume looks at designing adaptive, resilient, biology-inspired, off-the-grid and carbon-positive green-blue infrastructures, self-growing coastal barrier islands and buildings on a timeline from 2019 to 2100.

cod. 1098.2.63

Thomas Spiegelhalter, Darren Ockert

Crunch design research

Volume 1 - Urban Hybrids

The City of Miami Beach is one of the most climate vulnerable cities on planet Earth. In the coming decades the city will have to face the challenges of sea-level rise combined with yearly threats of hurricanes, king tides, and tropical rain downpours that can dump as much as five inches of water on the city in one afternoon. Under the umbrella of CRUNCH (Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices) this first volume looks at designing building structures that can act as hybrids sitting in, out, or under the water with the ability to be self-sustaining.

cod. 1098.2.57

Gianmichele Panarelli, Clarissa Di Tonno

Climate Responsive Architecture/Climate change adaption and resource efficiency.

Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici ed efficienza delle risorse

This report presents the activities developed jointly in 2015 between the group of INGEO Department (Engineering and Geology of the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti and Pescara) and the College Architecture of the Florida International University. The comparison is intended to develop operational strategies that can foreshadow a comprehensive set of responses to the changed system performance requirements, with the definition of new design approaches, new methods of procedure, new design processes, new attitudes towards environmental issues.

cod. 1098.2.36

Gianmichele Panarelli

Adaptable technologies

Le architetture di Thomas Spiegelhalter

Il lavoro di Spiegelhalter è fortemente indirizzato a ricerche su fabbricati solari, a zero energia fossile, passivi e a basso consumo energetico, a interventi di recupero urbanistico in grande scala con criteri di sostenibilità e a progettazione di infrastrutture. Primaria importanza viene data all’efficienza nell’uso di risorse sull’intero ciclo di vita del fabbricato, sviluppando soluzioni che comprendono parametri ecologici, climatici, sociali, culturali ed economici e che portano a grandi innovazioni nei sistemi costruttivi.

cod. 88.2