Claudio Bernardi, Giulia Innocenti Malini

Performing the social

Education, Care and Social Inclusion through Theatre

Although belonging to the wider family of applied theatre, social theatre has some specific historical, methodological and contextual characteristics. This book explores the whys and wherefores of social theatre with particular attention to Italy. It is structured around two types of contribution. One comes from the interventions of some of the speakers at the International Conference Performing the Social. Education, Care and Social Inclusion through Theatre, held in Milan on 20-21 September 2019. The second part is a more direct result of the Research Project of National Relevance (PRIN) of social theatre in the fields of education, health and inclusion.

cod. 10031.1

Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione, Rita Maria Fabris

Caravan Next A Social Community Theatre Project

Methodology Evaluation and Analysis

Caravan Next. Feed the Future – Art Moving Cities is the title of the European Social Community Theatre project taking place in 11 different European countries from December 2015 to February 2018. In this period, more than 30 Social Community Theatre events related to Audience Engagement and Audience Development were carried out by the 13 project partners from 11 different European countries. This book presents the methodology of Social Community Theatre, an evaluation and analysis based on the results of the experimental qualitative-quantitative evaluation approach to local communities and professional artists.

cod. 11257.1