Ufficio Studi IPE

I project Work IPE Business School 2021

Strumenti, ricerche applicative e casi aziendali

Il libro raccoglie i contributi di sintesi degli elaborati prodotti dagli Allievi dell’IPE Business School che hanno partecipato nell’anno accademico 2020/21 alla XIX edizione del Master in Finanza Avanzata, alla XV del Master in Bilancio, alla IV edizione del Master in HR & Social Recruiting e alla III edizione del Master in Marketing. I Project Work consistono nella stesura di lavori applicativi e di ricerca elaborati in gruppo dagli allievi al termine del percorso formativo di ciascun master su argomenti proposti dalle aziende partner e con la supervisione di un tutor aziendale.

cod. 10365.45

José Miguel Asensio, Alessandro Fiorini, Juan Pablo Jimenez Navarro

Chinese foreign direct investments in the EU energy sector


Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

The European Union (EU) is not only China’s biggest trading partner but also a crucial destination for Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI). During the past 15 years, Chinese FDI transactions have gained momentum, coinciding with the "Going Abroad", "Going Global" and "Belt and Road" strategies. During the post-financial crisis, the EU became the fastest growing destination for Chinese FDI triggered by a friendly investment environment and the undervaluation of forcefully privatized assets. Investments in the EU Low Carbon Energy Technologies (LCET) sector reflect a commercial and political strategy led by the Chinese government, promoting sustainable energy development as well as securing the privileged position of state-owned energy companies. Chinese state-backed companies account for a large share of FDI transactions LCET in the EU. The recently adopted "Made in China 2025" strategy gives grounds for expecting an increase in strategically motivated FDI. The increase in investment has fuelled the debate whether the EU possess sufficient policy instruments to protect national and supranational interests and to control FDI.

Cleto Corposanto, Costantino Cipolla

Le culture del cibo.

Elementi di sociologia della condivisione alimentare

L’alimentazione è un fatto sociale complesso a cui corrisponde, oggi, uno spazio analitico sempre più vasto, stimolante e ricco di collegamenti e “contaminazioni”. Il volume vuole essere l’occasione per riflettere sul ruolo che l’educazione alimentare gioca nei percorsi di crescita dell’attore sociale, sul ruolo genitoriale per una sana alimentazione, sulle problematiche odierne riferite a stili di vita poco salutari, sulle certificazioni alimentari e sul rapporto tra cibo e religione.

cod. 278.2.6

Building upon mainstream literature on concept and measures of innovation efficiency, this paper introduces a new method for the evaluation of R&D resources mobilisation in a Tech-nological Innovation System framework. The method is based on a quantitative set up that aims to improving both the representation and assessment of system dynamics. An application to the case of the EU28 bioenergy technological system shows that almost 20% of the R&D potential was under-utilised in 2011. Main determinants of this systemic failure were specific economic and policy factors, which conditioned allocation decisions. In particular, the preference bias induced by the general investment capacity of the system, competitive pressure on entities undertaking innovation activities and the intensity of policy production. Conversely, a relatively higher share of educated population and the evidence of an effective progress towards the achievement of specific policy targets positively impacted on the efficient utilisation of R&D resources.

Alessandro Fiori, Francesco Sacchetti


Ricerca-azione sul mondo della donazione e i sui processi comunicativi

Lo studio indaga l’immaginario giovanile rispetto alla donazione e alla figura del donatore, prerequisito conoscitivo fondamentale per essere in grado di attivare un reale cambiamento culturale con effetti di lungo periodo. Il testo individua le pratiche centrali nell’esperienza di chi è già donatore e iscritto ad associazioni di volontariato, con lo scopo di comprendere quali siano le nuove sfide organizzative che aspettano il mondo dell’associazionismo contemporaneo.

cod. 1420.196

Alessandro Fiorini, Antonio Sileo

Infrastructural equip ment and regulati on. Key interv entions for sustaining security and development of the Italian natural gas market


Fascicolo: 1 / 2013

The paper compares potentialities and criticalities of the Italian gas market. The aim of this work is not only the creation of a competitive market, which can guarantee the security of supply, but also the ambitious perspective of turning Italy into the Southern European gas hub. These challenges have as their most important obstacle a complex scheme of relations, involving both National and European governments. In this context, the most debated evolution is certainly the complete (ownership) unbundling between Eni, the Italian gas market incumbent, and Snam Rete Gas, the Italian TSO. Another discussed issue is the efforts of infrastructural expansion, supported by new specific regulations of the Italian Authority for electricity and gas. The purpose of this expansion, apart from the security of supply and energy security, is to have a direct influence on pricing and trade, in order to revaluate Italy’s role in the European energy arena.