Daniela Andreini, Gianluca Gambirasio

Il venditore etico

Conquistare la fiducia del cliente con i fatti

Un approccio di vendita efficace e di successo basato sull’etica e sulla fiducia!

cod. 1060.144

Mauro Cavallone, Daniela Andreini, Giuseppe Pedeliento, Francesca Magno

Legitimizing the contribution of marketing to firms’ success: An exploratory investigation of marketing professionals


Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

This paper reports the results of research performed by the research team established on the occasion of the 14th meeting of the SIM (Società Italiana Marketing) entitled "Il marketing di successo: imprese, enti e persone" held on 26-27 October 2017 at the University of Bergamo. Acknowledging the scant literature on the topic relating marketing performances to firms’ success and dealing with what marketing success is and how marketing success can be measured, the study reports findings emerging from a qualitative enquiry involving several in-depth interviews with key informants representing leading firms in the province of Bergamo. Besides providing first-hand definitions of marketing success based on practitioners’ experiences, the findings highlight how marketing strives to gain in-firm legitimacy and underline how it contributes to firms’ performances.

Daniela Andreini, Giuseppe Pedeliento

The multichannel effects of sponsorship: an empirical analysis


Fascicolo: 3 / 2014

Sport sponsorship is gaining increasing attention in marketing research and practice. While the industry of sport sponsorship is booming, sponsoring companies are increasingly practising multi-site sponsorship strategies by combining traditional forms of sponsorship with an online presence. Yet, although scholars have suggested the investigation of the synergistic effects between traditional and online sponsorship as an emergent stream of research, any research to date have been issued on this topic. By drawing on previous studies in the multichannel retailing literature the aim of this research is primarily that of investigating if positive feelings and attitude toward a sponsoring brands receivers form in traditional settings, affect sponsorship receivers intention to purchase online sponsoring brands when multi-site sponsorship strategies are performed. Findings suggest the existence of interactive effects between traditional and online sponsorship.

Daniela Andreini, Giuseppe Pedeliento

B2B vs. B2C: an empirical attempt to bridge the gap


Fascicolo: 1 / 2013

If B2B and B2C should be considered distinct domains, is an ongoing debate in marketing research and practice. Recent contributions in the IMP group tried to solve this century old dichotomy. With this paper the authors contribute to this cultural debate showing the importance that product attachment plays in the B2B context. Through an exploratory survey on a sample of 514 Italian truck drivers the authors give evidences of the existence of a diffused feeling of product attachment. In a second study, an experiential phenomenological analysis suggests that the extended self is a suitable framework to describe truck possession and usage. This intimate relationship between user and product in a B2B context, has interesting implication for inter and intra- organizational processes and networks, as discussed in the final part of the paper.

L’integrazione tra diversi canali di vendita è una delle decisioni strategiche più attuali nel settore del commercio al dettaglio. Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare alcuni dei fattori esogeni ed endogeni influenti sulle decisioni d’integrazione multicanale del retailing europeo. Apparentemente sembrerebbe che ogni nazione manifesti un livello d’integrazione multicanale differente secondo il livello di maturità tecnologica dei consumatori locali. Attraverso una content analysis, invece, questo studio rivela che sono soprattutto i fattori endogeni alle imprese commerciali (potere di canale e gruppo di proprietà) a influenzare la scelta di integrazione multicanale. Si evincono quindi importanti implicazioni per i manager del retailing e stimoli per possibili future ricerche sul tema.

L’apporto delle attività di marketing, in termini di efficienza economica, per le aziende che utilizzano internet per le proprie attività commerciali. Con le tecnologie multimediali, il marketing è coinvolto nelle sue diverse componenti: comunicazione, prodotto, mercati, modalità di ricerca, management… È quindi fondamentale approfondire gli aspetti di internet marketing che maggiormente influenzano la strategia e l’operatività aziendale.

cod. 365.718