Viviana Pappalardo, Daniele La Rosa

Improving urban accessibility for inclusive cities

Ensuring accessibility for everyone is essential for building sustainable and equitable cities, regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, economic, gender, or age condition. This book collects research studies and project experiences, perspectives, and discussions on different aspects of accessibility, tangible and intangible, with a special focus on urban contexts.

cod. 11862.6

Michele Munafò, Marco Marchetti

Recuperiamo terreno.

Analisi e prospettive per la gestione sostenibile della risorsa suolo

Un quadro sintetico, ma esaustivo, delle criticità, delle opportunità e delle nuove sfide legate alla pianificazione urbana e territoriale e alla tutela di una risorsa ambientale fondamentale, quale è il suolo.

cod. 1810.3.7

Paolo La Greca, Daniele La Rosa, Francesco Martinico, Fausto Carmelo Nigrelli

Landscape and sprawl. studies and proposals for the landscape protection plan in Sicily


Fascicolo: 109 / 2014

The paper describes a methodology adopted in the Landscape Protection Plan of Enna, and Siracusa, based on geo-referenced data. Results confirm the relationship with cultural and economic features of the communities. The risk of landscape transformation has been evaluated, taking into account several features of the sprawled settlements, The proposal identifies four categories for landscape protection. A set of general rules aimed at enhancing the quality of these settlements is defined. .

Francesco Martinico, Daniele La Rosa, Riccardo Privitera

Il ruolo delle aree non urbanizzate nei contesti metropolitani: scenari di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici


Fascicolo: 66 / 2013

Today non-urbanised areas in metropolitan contexts are the most unstable places in the community and the most affected by transformation processes. Agricultural areas, those abandoned and uncultivated and fragments of woods can be reconsidered in new urban planning in the light of new uses for land which can combine peripheral urban agricultural production with examples of use and protection of the environment oriented towards strategies for adaptation to climatic change and the production of ecosystem services. A review of urban planning instruments in the city of Mascalucia presented an opportunity to propose a new scenario for land-use in non-urbanised areas by means of a land suitability model in which combined land cover analysis and fragmentation analysis were applied.

Nicola Giuliano Leone


Visioni territoriali e nuove mobilità. Progetti integrati per il turismo nell'ambiente

Il volume sviluppa cinque tematiche inerenti il turismo su cinque territori (il lago di Como, il Cilento, la valle del Crati, il Val di Noto, la valle di Erice), rispondendo alle domande di nuova stanzialità legate al turismo come risorsa di pianificazione e programmazione delle attività sul territorio e occasione di bonifica, restauro e valorizzazione delle risorse storiche e naturali.

cod. 1862.168