Danila Bertasio

L'arte è davvero per tutti? Il bello fra informazione e conoscenza


Fascicolo: 35-36 / 2004

At the present time art is more and more considered a social fact rather than a cultural one, to the point that it doesn’t seem to appeal to the public opinion and, in particularly, to the new generations, if not in the sense of a more or less banalizing social aggregation. The relationship that audience seems currently to prefer that makes art an object to use - has some analogy with the relationship that we generally set up with another area of the cultural phenomenology, that is the relationship we set up with the new technologies. By analysing how we use the available technologies, we can guess an anthropological trend, according to which knowledge is important for human beings, but only on condition that they can pursue it avoiding the models of the critical thought. Also in the art information seems to replace knowledge, use seems to replace fruition, stressing in the general perception the consumer and utilitarian aspect instead of the aesthetical satisfaction.

Bruno J.R. Nicolaus

L'Arca di Noé

Le "invenzioni" della natura e della cultura

cod. 1200.20

Mariselda Tessarolo

L'arte contemporanea e il suo pubblico.

Teorie e ricerche

Il volume cerca di costruire attorno all’arte contemporanea una cornice che ne renda accessibile, almeno in parte, il contenuto. Offre, inoltre, alcuni scorci della situazione dell’arte contemporanea, della posizione del fruitore di diverse arti (pittura, architettura, musica e gioielleria), ma anche di eventi culturali di varia natura.

cod. 1520.647