Ernesto Venturini, Domenico Casagrande

Il folle reato.

Il rapporto tra la responsabilità dello psichiatra e la imputabilità del paziente

Il volume, prendendo spunto da uno scritto di Franco e Franca Basaglia (Il problema dell’incidente), confronta le sentenze e le perizie di alcuni casi delittuosi nei quali il medico è stato imputato di omicidio colposo per il crimine commesso dal proprio paziente. Avvalendosi del lavoro di psichiatri e magistrati, il libro presenta una documentazione, ragguardevole e inedita, sul caso dei processi riguardanti Franco Basaglia, e costituisce un prezioso riferimento per tutti coloro che lavorano in ambito giuridico e psichiatrico.

cod. 1240.358

Ernesto Venturini

Prendersi cura della cura


Fascicolo: 3 / 2009

Taking care of of care - The meaning of "cure" in medicine is examined, also in order to understand how in western civilization such a concept is historically determined. Two important aspects emerge. "To cure" means both to treat and to take care of, to look after someone. These two terms are intertwined, and their values and shortcomings are highlighted. There are contradictions in these two models both in medicine and in psychiatry, but a solution is found when the patient is the protagonist of treatment. Recovery represents the fundamental innovation, in that it helps the doctor in charge to re-examine and question his/her role in the relationship with the patient. This age of technology reduces the medical act into a simple service. Health care professionals should pay more attention to the moral principles involved in their work. This is particularly true in psychiatry, since real recovery occurs if a change comes about also in those responsible for treatment.

KEY WORDS: recovery, cure, care, psychotherapeutic relationship, empowerment