Francesca Visintin, Augusto Navone

La contabilizzazione e valorizzazione dei servizi ecosistemici e del capitale naturale nelle aree marine protette

Metodologie e prospettive di governance. Il caso Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo

Un’area marina protetta, oltre a conservare gli ecosistemi, può contribuire a migliorare il benessere socioeconomico costiero in un’ottica di sostenibilità? Il volume tenta di rispondere a questa domanda, proponendo un ventaglio di prospettive e metodi per fronteggiare la sempre più ardua sfida della sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale.

cod. 378.5

Francesca Visintin, Francesco Marangon, Maurizio Spoto

Assessing the value for money of protected areas


Fascicolo: 1 / 2016

The increasing unavailability of public financing leads decision-makers to cut funds for protected areas without considering the ensuing environmental, economic and social impacts. The research investigated what and how much value the Miramare Natural Marine Reserve (Italy) was able to create from public funds. The environmental accounting approach was adopted, and environmental costs and benefits taken into account. Environmental benefits assessed ecosystem services such as gas regulation, nutrient cycling, biological control, food production, nursery, raw materials, recreation and science. The model demonstrated that the value produced by the Protected Area fully covered the money spent by public authorities by a rate of 2.5.

Il volume partecipa al dibattito, europeo e italiano, volto a indagare le performance innovative di sistemi nazionali e regionali di innovazione. Attraverso un’attenta rilettura delle ricerche precedentemente realizzate, se ne colgono i limiti e si propone una via per superarli.

cod. 365.844

Partendo dalla ricognizione delle dinamiche che hanno interessato la trasformazione dello spazio alpino negli ultimi tre decenni, il testo propone un ragionamento sulle politiche per lo sviluppo della montagna, spesso prigioniero di una logica di pura conservazione delle strutture sociali, economiche e territoriali esistenti.

cod. 365.650

Francesca Visintin, Andrew Tylecote

Financial and corporate governance systems and technological change: the incompleteness of fit the UK and Italy


Fascicolo: 114 / 2002

Financial and corporate governance systems and technological change: the incompleteness of fit the UK and Italy (di Andrew Tylecote, Francesca Visintin) - ABSTRACT: Our argument revolves around a simple link: technological (and therefore economic) performance of firms and countries is a function of the fit between their financial and corporate governance system (FCGS) and the technological regime of the sectors in which they are operating. We offer typologies of FCGS and technological regimes. Countries tend to specialise in the sectors for which their fit is relatively good. Taking a country’s FCGS as given, its performance will tend to improve, if the sectors to which it is relatively well-fitted become more important in the world economy, and/or if in general technological regimes move towards a better fit with its FCGS. We argue that this has been the case for the United States over the last twenty years. Such a move, to the advantage to the US, helps to account for recent changes in other countries’ FCGS in the US direction. We argue however that the change in technological regimes is more cyclical than secular; even now the US type of FCGS is poorly fitted to the technological regimes of most medium-technology industries. It is more important to seek a complete fit between one’s financial and corporate governance system and the key sectors in which a country is specialised, than to try to imitate the current international style-setter. For both the UK and Italy we examine the completeness of fit of the FCGS to the industries in which the country is specialised - for the UK, some high technology industries, and for Italy, some medium-technology industries. Both countries show a very incomplete fit. We discuss what might be done to improve it.

Un insieme di ricerche sul campo, condotte negli anni più recenti, sui modelli organizzativi e di gestione delle risorse umane nelle imprese industriali manifatturiere di alcuni fra i più importanti sistemi produttivi del Nord Italia. Una riflessione articolata sulla diffusione delle innovazioni organizzative e delle pratiche di lavoro ad alta prestazione nonché sulle mancate “complementarietà” tra innovazione tecnologica, innovazione organizzativa e sviluppo delle competenze delle imprese.

cod. 365.698