Giacomo Ghidelli

Persone che sanno "rispondere".

Vent'anni di Auser Lombardia: un percorso, un modello per il futuro

Il volume racconta gli snodi salienti della storia di Auser Lombardia, l’Associazione che da vent’anni opera per affermare i diritti e la dignità delle persone anziane e che, con 14 Comprensori, 430 Associazioni locali e 70.000 soci, è oggi diffusa in tutta la regione ed è “motore” di una impressionante serie di iniziative gestite dai suoi 14.500 volontari.

cod. 1130.274

This study is centered on immigration. In particular we studied immigrant’s perception of Italy and the Italians by Filipinos, Egyptians, Chinese and Peruvians. To achieve our objectives we interviewed a sample of all the groups chosen trying to analyse their perception of Italy and the Italians and to compare all the ethnic groups in order to underline some resemblance and some differences. The results obtained were various and complex; of great interest was all samples perception of Italy and the Italians as positive. All the samples, in fact, turned out to be enthusiastic of Italy that is perceived as a very sunny and mediterranean place, dominated by art and full of work and money with a great importance for tradition but expanding technologies and commercial music. Italians, instead, are very nice people, friendly and generous that work hard and give importance to family and relax time. The comparison between all the samples has allowed us to identify some resemblance and some differences between them. These four ethnic groups turned out, also, to be very representative of four different cultures and of original migrant projects and conditions.

Francesca Romana Puggelli

Spot generation.

I bambini e la pubblicità

Questo libro vuole indagare questi aspetti controversi della comunicazione pubblicitaria e dei suoi effetti sui bambini, partendo da una considerazione attenta e mirata della psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'età evolutiva.

cod. 241.2.5