Gianfranco Tusset

How the Cryptocurrency Discourse is Changing: A Textual Analysis


Fascicolo: 2 / 2023

The paper aims to retrace the academic discourse on cryptocurrencies from 2015 to 2022 by treating it as a lexical unicum that evolves over time. The purpose is to understand what themes have emerged and how they have changed the discourse on cryptocurrencies. We used a three-step methodology. The first consists of text mining that allows us to create, from 1057 academic articles on the subject, the matrix containing the frequencies of words/n-grams. In a second step, lexical analysis is enriched by correspondence analysis, a useful tool to measure the "distance" and evolution of academic discourse and to identify significant content discontinuity. Finally, the causal analysis addresses the ultimate goal of understanding whether it is possible to define future developments in the cryptocurrency discourse, whether it will absorb instances from outside or remain focused on the prevailing themes to date. The identification and application of a method to analyze the evolution of the cryptocurrency discourse allowed us to distinguish at least two distinct phases characterized by specific content and cryptocurrencies.

Gianfranco Tusset

Gian Rinaldo Carli (1720-1795): Diagnosis and treatment of a monetary plague


Fascicolo: 2 / 2020

Gian Rinaldo Carli was an "expert" of money who lived in the 18th century, in an economic environment revolving around national and international trade. Be-longing to a community of scholars who lived in a sort of golden age of pre-classical studies on money, Carli stood out for his insistence on the need to inter-vene to contain monetary imbalance, seen as a serious impediment to the expan-sion of trade and economic dynamism. Carli curved his analysis, which was theo-retical in its depth, to political action and initiative. He sought to craft those rigor-ous empirically based measures that should underlie the practical work of a re-former. The paper aims to understand how Carli introduced rigor into his approach to monetary advice, in order to make it more adequate to meet what he believed was a growing need expressed by the governors of the time, starting with the Em-press of Austria.

Massimo M. Augello, Marco E.L. Guidi

Economia e opinione pubblica.

Gli economisti e la stampa quotidiana. Vol. 2. I dibattiti

Quest’opera raccoglie, in due volumi, i risultati di un ampio lavoro di ricerca diretto a ricostruire e analizzare approfonditamente l’attività di opinion makers svolta in età liberale dagli economisti italiani sui principali giornali nazionali. Questo secondo tomo raccoglie i saggi relativi ai principali interventi di politica economica e sociale pubblicati sulla stampa quotidiana, affrontando dibattiti quali: la questione sociale, le tematiche previdenziali e assicurative, la questione meridionale, le problematiche della finanza pubblica, la politica coloniale…

cod. 379.3

Gianfranco Tusset

Disputing over international economic policy coordination: The ‘first generation’ of models


Fascicolo: 2 / 2010

Although international economic coordination was one of the major questions arising in international economics after World War I, when the British hegemonic stability broke down, it mainly attracted the interest of economists from the 1960s onwards, as economic interdependence revealed itself to be a significant phenomenon, with an expansion of research during a period that began in the mid-1970s and ended in the late 1980s. During those fifteen years, a major theoretical effort yielded a significant body of literature which may be analyzed as an outcome per se, independently of its practical application. In fact, international economic policy coordination remained a speculative matter which, it seems, did not adequately support or persuade policy-makers to implement concrete economic coordination among countries. Far from explaining why this happened, a detailed investigation of the assumptions and logical aspects on which theories were grounded may provide insights into their practical workability.

Piero Bini, Gianfranco Tusset

Theory and practice of economic policy.

Tradition and change. Selected Papers from the 9th Aispe Conference

This volume contains twenty papers presented at the IX AISPE Conference. The conference examined the theory and practice of “economic policy” during the 20th century, focusing on both historical aspects and present experiences. Although already introduced by the mercantilist doctrines and classical theories, during the past century economic policy acquired the full status of a discipline endowed with its own theoretical corpus and a wide range of applications.

cod. 363.75

Massimo M. Augello, Marco E.L. Guidi

L'economia divulgata

Stili e percorsi italiani (1840-1922). Vol. II - Teorie e paradigmi

cod. 1820.161

Pier Francesco Asso, Luca Fiorito

Economics and institutions.

Contributions from the history of economic thought. Selected Papers from the 8th Aispe Conference

This volume contains the papers presented at the VIII AISPE conference dealing with the relationship between economic theory and economic institutions in historical perspective. The organizing Committee felt this was an area of the history of economics that contained numerous opportunities for new and interesting research in the following areas: the influence of economic ideas or of single economists upon the creation and the governance of specific institutions; the way the actual working and organization of institutions may have influenced the growth of economic theory and knowledge; the economic theory of institutions in historical perspective.

cod. 363.68

Marco E.L. Guidi, Daniela Fernanda Parisi

The Changing Firm

Contributions from the history of economic thought. Selected papers from the 7th Conference of Aispe-Associazione italiana per la storia del pensiero economico

cod. 363.52