Iolanda Zollo, Fausta Sabatano, Maurizio Sibilio

L’alleanza tra scuola e famiglia come dispositivo pedagogico inclusivo: dalla riflessione all’azione?


Fascicolo: 1 / 2023

Decenni di ricerche dimostrano che una relazione positiva tra insegnanti e famiglie rappresenta non solo una componente sostanziale per una scuola efficace, ma anche una variabile fondamentale per il successo formativo del bambino, in particolar modo in situazioni di svantaggio, di difficoltà e di disabilità. Muovendo, dunque, da tali premesse, l’obiettivo del presente contributo è quello di condividere i risultati di un’esperienza di ricerca volta a indagare, attraverso lo sviluppo di pratiche riflessive, la significatività dell’alleanza tra istituzioni scolastiche e famiglia sì da individuare, fin dalla scuola dell’infanzia, itinerari possibili orientati alla realizzazione di una piena inclusione.

Paola Aiello

Pedagogia speciale

Infanzia e servizi educativi inclusivi

Nell’ambito dei servizi di educazione e di istruzione, quelli dedicati all’infanzia assumono un ruolo determinante rispetto allo sviluppo delle potenzialità che appartengono a ogni bambina e bambino. In particolare, l’evidente complessità di tali servizi rivela la necessità di un approccio ecologico e sistemico, fondato sulla condivisione di intenti, sulla collegialità delle scelte, sulla corresponsabilità tra più attori. Partendo da tali premesse, il volume intreccia le indicazioni derivanti dalla normativa con le suggestioni della Pedagogia speciale, per offrire un contributo alla riflessione sull’inclusione, in quanto dimensione ineludibile nel sistema integrato di educazione e di istruzione zerosei.

cod. 1750.48

Iolanda Zollo

Il valore dell'inclusione

Riflettere ed agire

Il volume vuole porre in evidenza l’importanza della dimensione valoriale per lo sviluppo di processi inclusivi e per una progettazione didattica che sia efficace. Partendo da una breve revisione della letteratura scientifica nazionale e internazionale, vengono ripercorse le tappe fondamentali che hanno condotto, nel nostro Paese, all’affermarsi della prospettiva del Nuovo Index per l’inclusione, il cui obiettivo è di trasformare in azione i valori inclusivi.

cod. 1750.24

Iolanda Zollo, Diana Carmela Di Gennaro, Laura Girelli, Maurizio Sibilio

Teachers' education and "non linearity": simplex perspectives


Fascicolo: 2 / 2018

Starting from 2011, year of the publication in Italy of Alain Berthoz's book on simplexity, an articulated theoretical reflection involved part of the Italian scientific community stimulating an inter-transdisciplinary debate that has generated "non-linear" trajectories of research within the educational field. In particular, the transposition of the theory of simplexity in the teaching-learning process, by postulating an idea of teaching based on a metacognitive approach, has led to the hypothesis of a teacher training model able to promote the exercise of "non-linearity" within the didactic field through the use of simplex properties and principles. In the wake of these reflections, the work presented below describes the results of a study aimed at assessing the reliability of an instrument for measuring the construct of simplexity within the didactic field starting from a specific research experience carried out during training courses for support teachers which were held at the University of Bergamo in 2017

Maurizio Sibilio, Paola Aiello

Formazione e ricerca per una didattica inclusiva

Il volume, che si configura come il prodotto dell’esperienza progettuale “Didattica laboratoriale, valutazione e nuove tecnologie a supporto della disabilità”, raccoglie contributi scientifici sul tema dell’inclusione da quattro prospettive disciplinari diverse, suggerendo alcuni approcci laboratoriali e itinerari di ricerca finalizzati a rendere attuativi i principi fondanti di una didattica inclusiva.

cod. 1750.6

Maurizio Sibilio, Iolanda Zollo

The non-linear potential of didactic action


Fascicolo: 2 / 2016

Starting from a perspective that views education as a complex and adaptive system, this paper is aimed at providing a first reflection on the concept of linearity, intended as a possible interpretation of the limitations arising from the characteristics and the relationships among the actors, the objects and the events that form part of the teaching-learning process. What results is a deterministic vision of teaching and a real negation of the embodied and situated dimension of teaching. This reflection forms part of a branch of educational research that investigates didactic corporealities - those aspects of teaching that are manifested in bodily form, real and metaphoric representations of the triadic interaction between the teacher, the student and the environment. This is configured as the set of elements that contribute to a complex meaning of the teaching experience, able to contribute to a deconstruction of linear schemes of action that are repetitive in nature and are inadequate to address the emerging needs of 21st Century classrooms. In order to foster and promote the success of all learners, a pluralistic and proteiform perspective is therefore required. This view paves the way to a non-linear form of teaching that is aware of the didactic morphologies that are the characteristics, the spaces, the functions and the potentialities of action during teaching.

Stefano Di Tore, Iolanda Zollo, Michele Todino, Maurizio Sibilio

Simplex approaches to develop reading competence in primary school


Fascicolo: 1 / 2016

Survey results from IEA PIRLS (2011),OECD PISA (2012) and by further research conducted by the University of Salerno, have shown that the reading performance of Southern Italian students is below the national average. This worrying scenario led to a research initiative aimed at creating inclusive didactic methods and tools to aid in the development of reading competence on the basis of simplex didactics. This theoretical framework sustains our assumption that reading is an ability that does not form part of the natural development of the individual but needs to be learnt; hence is considered as an adaptive strategy (Berthoz, 2012). Therefore, simplex didactics, understood as a method based on the principles that guide the organisms’ adaptation to the surrounding environment, was a natural choice. The research project is divided into four main phases: a preliminary phase, a design phase, field research, followed by the analysis and evaluation of results. It is important to highlight that the scope of this article is to present the initial phase of the research and is intended to:1. provide an analysis of the context to assess the effective need to introduce a teaching method able to face the critical situation described;2. explore possible mapping between reading competence and simplex didactics to provide teachers with initial didactic guidelines;3. introduce the research perspectives upon which the project will be developed.Keywordsreading competence; didactics; inclusion; simplexity; teacher education

Iolanda Zollo, Elias E. Kourkoutas, Maurizio Sibilio

Creatività, pensiero divergente e pensiero laterale per una didattica semplessa


Fascicolo: 1 / 2015

In the current dynamic school contexts, teachers are requested to plan and implement flexible and differentiated didactic programmes with the aim of meeting all the students’ needs and bring their potential to light. This educational investment, besides being a professional need, aids in removing any obstacle to learning and promotes full participation in school life. This article outlines the theoretical framework of creative thinking within a simplex perspective, intended as a tool for didactic deviations, and consequently provides the basis of how this innovative strategy could help to decipher and face complexity in challenging situations.