Stefano Martelli, Ivana Matteucci

Keep Fit!

Ben-essere attivo e nuove tecnologie

Il volume raccoglie varie ricerche sulle trasformazioni in atto nei luoghi dello sport. Gli Autori osservano il mutamento sociale e culturale in atto, con particolare attenzione alle trasformazioni che i media digitali favoriscono nel campo dello sport e delle attività fisiche. Il tentativo è quello di far emergere opportunità e rischi, generati dall’uso dei dispositivi digitali nelle pratiche di fitness e wellness in palestra, nelle società sportive e nelle pratiche, anche di gruppo, open air.

cod. 1569.16

Ivana Matteucci

Personal network e comunità ibride: le social street


Fascicolo: 125 / 2021

Questo articolo intende verificare come il personal network generato nello spazio online tramite l’appartenenza ai gruppi social e alle comunità virtuali, rappresenti un contributo e un supporto alla vita relazionale del soggetto nello spazio sociale reale. É stato compiuto uno studio esplorativo dove, attraverso l’analisi di un caso, sono state gettate le basi interpretative per la comprensione del fenomeno delle Social Street, che in future ricerche potranno essere testate su un numero più ampio di casi. Con il metodo del questionario online sono stati coinvolti alcuni iscritti a un gruppo Facebook di una Social Street. Si è trovato che la vita comunitaria online dei soggetti può essere significativamente connessa alla vita offline del gruppo nello spazio sociale urbano condiviso costituito dalla strada, configurando il nostro esempio come comunità ibrida e caso concreto di realtà aumentata.

The diagnosis of breast cancer, the subsequent treatment and the surgery often cause a deep wound and a change in women self-image. In our survey we intended to analyze the rela-tionship with their own body in breast cancer women, examining their participation in an arts, dance and movement project. The perception of the body in the women was detected with the focus group methodology and through the analysis of documents (letters to their bodies). The collected data confirmed the problematic relationship of the women with their bodies. A significant contribution in constructively tackling the difficulties was provided by the planned activities, which were found capable of generating help to write the new body text.

Ivana Matteucci

Comunicare la salute e promuovere il benessere

Teorie e modelli per l'intervento nella scuola

Alcuni strumenti utili, sia in termini di contenuti e programmi sia come attività e modelli di intervento, per comunicare la salute e la promozione del benessere ad adolescenti nella fascia di età 11-15 anni.

cod. 1370.46

Ivana Matteucci

Socializzazione e rischio nella comunicazione familiare


Fascicolo: 30 / 2000

The family has been outlined as a communication system or a social phenomenon made up by relationships. The socialization takes different features depending on the first prospective prevails or the second; the definition of risk changes and above all the type of intervention on people or situations in danger: the range is from a specialistic intervention to an intervention that turns in a non-intervention. How to face the risks linked to the socialization in a complex society? Probably keeping up and strengthening the possibility of the family socialisation through hypothesis of communicability, that is in situations of mutual adaptation where every interlocutor takes part in the other people’s system of reference without leaving his/hers. Today the risk is linked to an impoverishment of the relationship which becomes ineffective, contradictory, deferred, diluted in the general verbal circulation. How the effects of the relationship can be kept up and correctly assessed? With reference to the test theory, the problem occurs when the interlocutive relationship becomes as precarious as the author-reader relationship. In this case the problem is: how the relationship can be kept up into the text which is a codified, dislocated, remote communication? The answer could be: giving back to the textual communication what has been missed in the structuralist approach: the reader. The reader is who must be added to the text to win the perturbation that he/she represents in the textual communication. Any author always looks at a wide audience through someone who is related with him/her. If the relational approach can be profitably accepted in the socialization theory and in the text theory, the orientation to the other people must particularly lead every intervention towards persons and texts, which talk with us as a "you" would talk with everybody.